Where can I buy bac water??


New member
I placed an order with pin but they were out of the water. I got the hcg anyways. Can I buy that in a store anywhere?
Buy sterile water for injection. It comes in 10 ml bottles. Put in .9 of a cc in it and you have .09% bac water for about 3 bucks versus 20-25 per bottle.
damn , why does there seem to be such a shortage on bac water , always a problem for me , but heres another one , canadian med supplies , for the canadian side
If I'm not mistaken - I usually get mine from RUI - but I'm not seeing it on the site at this time - (I could be overlooking something?)

Whoever you choose - I would stock up as it's very inexpensive and also has a long shelf-life.
Sterile water is distilled water ran though a .02 micron filter. You then have to add Benzyl alcohol to it to make sure no bacteria will grow in the water.

It is easy as hell to make and real real cheap compared to all the morons stealing all the bac water for the HCG diet.

That is why the price is through the roof.