Where to place Torem in cycle


New member
Im planning out my next cycle. haven't decided when I'm actually going to run it so I'm just getting a head start.

On Cycle:
Epi 30/30/30/40 (4 weeks)
Stano 400/600/600/600/400 (5 weeks)

Post Cycle:
Clomid 50/50/50/50
Aromasin- 12.5mg ED (4weeks)

Also I will be running Caber at .5mg twice a week through the cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) as well as Anabolic Innovations Cycle Support throughout both.

My question is when should I take Torem? I have read a couple of threads where users have blood tests to prove it didn't work for them but almost everyone said it brought their nuts back to size. I was wondering if I should use it in the 5th/final week On Cycle when I'm just low dosing stano. I was thinking that might work because I would be off the Epi and not shut down as hard (stano is relatively mild) so the Torem would possibly work like HCG? So I would use it last week On Cycle and continue 2 weeks into post cycle therapy (pct), overlapping with clomid and aromasin. If this is a retarded idea (probably is) then I would just dose the stano at 600/600/600/600 and start aromasin and clomid.

I probably won't start this for another 6 months but I'm just playing with some ideas. I have some Torem laying around so I'm wondering when if at all I should use it, I just don't want to depend on it as my primary SERM.

Thanks in advance for any advice
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I must be an idiot because I dont even know what you are running for a cycle

is epi epistane and stano is testosterone?

torem is best used for pct, not on cycle.
lol my bad.

Epi-10 by LGI (Epistane, Havoc clones)
Stano-200 by LGI (Stanodrol, MMv2 clones)

Ok so your planning on running an oral only cycle of prohormones? That would put you in the wrong forum bro. There is a ph forum here you need to go to with this but I dont see anything wrong with running just clomid for your pct
True but i haven't finalized my cycle. I might low dose test on cycle. and my question is about Torem and when to take it..

Almost everyone on here will say pro-hormones are straight Steroids...that happen to be legal
Im not exactly sure on the protocols for prohormones but I believe that clomid or torem will be a good post cycle therapy (pct). What I am saying is that you can do either clomid or torem for post cycle therapy (pct). No need to run them both
those aren't legal steroids, they are garbage. put your insides through hell for a fraction of the benefits that you'd get from running a good healthy dose of test for 12-16 weeks. i sure as shit can't stop you if you're dead set on doing them though.

torem should be started after anything that is suppressing your natty test production clears your system. for testosterone enanthate, you'd start torem 2 weeks after your last injection and you'd run it something like 120 a day for the first 2 weeks, then 60 a day of for 2 more. some people continue for a week of 30 a day or do the 4th week 30, etc. just kinda have to feel that our yourself as you go along, though nothing is certain till you pull your bloods to check legit.

like i said, the shit you have is shit. you are FAR better off tossing it out or selling it some poor schmuck and getting yourself some test. it is cheaper too.
torem is for pct ....I like it way better than clomid...but everyone has there preference
you wont need both so pick one and keep the other for later
Yu can find plenty otc post cycle stuff for that what your talking about. Epistane is a prohormone for lean muscle gain,estrogen blocking and increasing libido.(so u dont need to go overboard on anti estrogen) Most companies that make that have there own post cycle. For your pct if you still wanna run that, start taking pct last week in the ph's. You should lower the ph dose the last week also. Ph is different because it kills your bodies natural test and replaces it with whatever compound your taking, pretty much like running a winstrol only cycle with no test added. Ive used ph tren/epi and had no issues with a otc post cycle therapy (pct). Hope all that helps,for the record i agree with jeff
Ya I'm thinking of running test E or C with a prop kick start and also ending with prop to better judge pct timing...then I can put the Epi and Stano anywhere inside of those 10 weeks.
Hungry- otc pct would not cut it for Epi I know that. even if it did work for you I wouldn't trust anything but a SERM...

Jeff- Stano is non-methylated and has very mild sides. Epi is a dry compound that has helped some with gyno, kicks in relatively quick, and with proper diet can add 10lbs of lbm in 4-6 weeks. yes its methylated and i will be taking supps to protect my insides..yes its not particularly nice on internals but no oral ph or steroid is...

I like Epi because its makes for a good short cycle. Now I'm thinking of just running Test 10 weeks at just under 600mg/week w/the Epi and Stano.

Yes my first cycle was Test E only.

I guess I shouldn't have mentioned any PHs in this section lol. My actual question was: had anyone used Torem in place of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to keep their nuts swole?
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