whey vs. designer +egg protein

Ross C Harris

New member
I can buy whey protein for a really good price compared to the cost of the designer proteins that inclued other proteins such as the ones including egg am I miss something by not get the ones with egg ?
there are different blends of protein availble on the market. from a whey concentrate to a whey isolate, casein whey, powdered egg blend etc.
for post workout ideally you want to go with an isolate whey, it being the fastest digesting. for bedtime and other times in the day a slower digesting protein is ideal, being either a casein and/or egg or blend of the two. also some EFA's should be added to slow digestion even more.
atherjen said:

for post workout ideally you want to go with an isolate whey, it being the fastest digesting.

Hydro whey is actually the fastest digesting whey, but most people can probably not handle the taste. muah
I try not to let my protein intake get too complicated. I shoot for a number and try to eat a few different things every day, i use whey concentrate because i honestly beleive it doesn't matter.
So true JCP. Once Dito uses up all of his blen he is just going to use whey concentrate as well. Even Customizer said that if one is not lactose intolerant concentrate is the best.