Lawnsaver, I hear you on the whole Insulin thing, but I've always been very leary of 'Slin, to many horror stories. Would need to get some good counsel first. I've also listened to a talk this well known Doctor gave on how much damage High Carb Diet induced insulin spikes can have on your body. According to him it ages you. He had some good science to back it up. So I can only imagine (according to his theory) the effect injecting it would have. But maybe all the other things we do would balance out, I don't know.
I know in the future I will try the 3 week on 2-3 week off cycles, some of the reading I have done around the net supports the fact that it takes 3 weeks for Test to effect the feed back loop (of course Fina will effect you right now, probably Deca to). I will monitor with regular blood work.
In the mean time I will keep reseraching, and stay clean. My Urologist has refered me to an endo (Urologist couldn't belive my Test, FSH & LH were all so low) my first blood test was just under 2 months off juice, I told him I had been using some Andro cream, I showed a tube I had, one of the Docs bought it, his partner was more skeptical. Overall they treated me like I was a bother to them. I see the Endo this next week, I'm curios to hear what he says. Am looking foward to having another blood test to track things.
I appreciate everybodys feed back.
Btw, Billy Bathgate, the Bill Gates mug shot is hilarious!