Which Pro's dont aromatize?


Don't be outworked
Im looking to bulk up a little bit but i'd more than willingly take a cutter. I'm just looking for a pro hormone (or a compound itself) that will not aromatize. I've had a slight case of gyno but nothing major. I also have letrozole on hand. Thanks.
Superdrol, epistane, Halo. stay away from M4ADD, LMG, p plex, any PH tren.

buy a bottle of hellardol, it will have enough caps to run 100mg for 6wks. hella can bulk or cut, depending on your diet. get some forma stanzol or erase to use while on the hella, if your on 1 of those 2 you ll be fine. no chance of getting or growing your gyno.

but if anything goes wrong you can use the letro so your safe
I second the motion for Hella. The chemical compound is the same as the old Halodrol-50 by gaspari. I've used it, great stuff. Epistane is also another good choice that can be used for bulking or cutting. I've had good luck with both and have not had any sort of issues.
There are very few PH that do aromatize... the few I can think of off the top of my head are Max LMG, Alpha One, Phera, Tren (which isn't really tren) and M1T.

Most of the widely available recent ones are non-aromatizing as gymrat pointed out. Superdrol, Dimethazine, Halodrol and Epi are all dry compounds.

A lot of guys suggest Halo, but I would suggest DMZ @ 30mg ed for 4-5 weeks. I liked it. Was my first PH run. Went excellent.
I haven't tried DMZ yet. Do you have any comparison to Epi or Halo?

dimethazine is 2 superdrol molecules linked together. they way they cleave though supposedly leaves a different compound."supposed" to be less hepatoxic and a bulker.