Who can approve a Source for me?

calm down little guy.........i was joking

Lol I'm just screwing around to as allways. But don't get me wrong I;m not saying guys should talk to openly but then on the other hand right or wrong some guys freek out and act like the door is about to be kicked in or something. But I guess better to be safe then sorry. Bad habit I have I don't worry about shit most of the time till after the fact. And beleave it or not I never been pinched ever and make no mistake back in the day pre wife and kids I did dirt and plenty of it. Guess I should count my blessings and be gratefull. Have a good day guys I'm out....Mike
You should move here to the UK it would be good for your mental health, no more problems or paranoia.

It is legal to be in possesion of any anabolic as long as it is for personal use. It is only illegal for someone to sell them to you in the UK unless they are a registered pharmacist under a doctors prescriptions, but it is perfectly legal to import 90 days personal supply from anywhere in the world you like.

If the Police were to stop you in the middle of the street and search you it is not an issue unless they think you are a dealer (you would have to have more than 100 amps of test on you, that is if the Police Officer knows what an anabolic steroid even looks like) and they have enough evidence to take you to court, but who would be stupid enough to deal here when your customers can fly to Turkey every 3 months for a nice holiday in the sun and buy 90 days supply at a pharmacy at the same time.
U guys should come to the good ole R of SA and ill bet i can find cops in every town that would not only be able to hook u up with a supplier but would transport the goods for you as well.
At a minimal fee of course...
Wow all that must be nice. Do you know in the US steroid possesion would be just as serious as possessing Heroin it's all class A substance an it can all get you jail time. Crazzy ha? Only in Americe!
I was thinking "only in America", just before I read it! They are considered less dangerous here than Valium, Xanax, Klonopin, etc. You cannot carry one of those here without a prescription or import it from abroad. I think the maximum for possesion of a benzo without a script is 2 years for possesion and 14!!! years for dealing (and that is class C, if it was class A it is life) I just looked that up they must have changed it as it used to be 5 years.
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move to the uk where you can hand your gear in at the police cells of a night and ask for it back the next day, like giving you back your watch.