who favors or opposes longer cycles + why?


New member
i was wonder what everyone's takes were on longer cycles.

i have been considering a longer cycle this spring for cutting.

there are pros and cons and i have read some opinions on this but what do all of you guys think?

btw - here is what i am considering:

1 - 10 500mg test enanthate / 400mg eq
11 - 20 75mg tren / 75mg prop / 100mg eq 5x/wk + some suspension.
11 - 20 30 - 45mg OT

incombination with HIIT cardio and HST workout and cycling carbs.

i will most likely use some t3 and clen for the last 30 days as well.
I am all for long moderately dosed cycles. I think the longer your body has to get used to the new muscle and you take the time to eat the foods it takes to maintain it, the better chance you have to keep the new muscle.
I much prefer longer cycles with moderate dosage. Your gains may not be fast and instant but the muscle you do gain is solid, quality mass that is kept on fairly easy. I like the slow prgressive gains over putting on lbs. fast in less than let's say 6 weeks because the majority of your gain is water retention.
Im with BUFFDAWG for the same reasons. Longer ,moderately dosed cycles seem to give gains that are easier to maintain.

Shit if you are already gonn be shooting ED then why not just add it in , and he will have a more constant blood level.
The thought did cross my mind that he may just want to keep a steady level of Eq in his system ,by shooting it 5x a week. And since he would be doing everyday injections anyways it wouldnt cause any unnecessary hassle. Ive just never heard of anybody doing Eq this way ,and it kind of made me wonder if there was any other reason why he might want to do it like that.

I am all for long moderately dosed cycles. I think the longer your body has to get used to the new muscle and you take the time to eat the foods it takes to maintain it, the better chance you have to keep the new muscle.

I think I'm starting to change my mind on this one. I USED to be from the school of thought that frowned upon these long cycles. But, I am getting more and more disappointed with my net gains post-recovery. I do the sh*t right....I just don't maintain the majority of my lean gais as I should!


It can be frustrating.............always feel like I'm starting over again.
I agree, Im leaning towards shorter cycles instead of dragging it out after gains have stopped, like 8 wks. instead of 12 or 14
projection said:
I agree, Im leaning towards shorter cycles instead of dragging it out after gains have stopped, like 8 wks. instead of 12 or 14

Hey partner....you might have read my post incorectly. I AM interested in longer cycles ;)
For me...its not about predetermined amounts of time. Its about knowing my body, and what my body knows is best for it. If Im not seeing anymore gains at week 8 or 9 of my 15 week cycle...im going to call it a finished cycle and begin treatment.... I always do a lo to moderate amount of gear and I usually never have this happen. To me its all about self awarenesss!
nekrawulf said:
For me...its not about predetermined amounts of time. Its about knowing my body, and what my body knows is best for it. If Im not seeing anymore gains at week 8 or 9 of my 15 week cycle...im going to call it a finished cycle and begin treatment.... I always do a lo to moderate amount of gear and I usually never have this happen. To me its all about self awarenesss!

I feel ya, but I think those last 3-5 weeks are the key to maintaining the gains. You body has more time to remember the muscle! I find I dont have to eat nearly as much to maintain post cycle if I go past 10-12 weeks. When I did 6-8 week cycles, I found it harder to maintain gains!

This is just my opinion, but the logic is there!
Capricorn_Mike said:
I do have one question for you though. Why are you switching from 400mgs of Eq a week ,to 100mg 5 times a week?


the reason for the eq changing after the 1st 10 wks is this:
1 - 10 is all QV
11 - 20 is a custom blend of tren/prop/eq at 75/75/100

i was thinking of adding some extra test into the last 10wks but i am not sure how i want to do it. i have lots of time to think about it though since this is slated for late march.
i once read a thread about a guy who never comes off. he said the gains never realy stop they just slow. after the imediate fast gains you see they will eventualy slow to around 2-3 pounds a month. it sounds like a small amount but this is after all the inital fat and water gains so this is 20-30 pounds of pure solid muscle gained each year. for an advanced bber thats a substanial gain. It also gives you a cahnce to put your diet and training to teh test, if your still gaining past the first 12 weeks then you know your diet and training are on. and like others have said longer cycles put the muscle on slower and give your body a chance to get used to it.
in my experience longer cycles (in my case 6 mos) result in much larger gains than traditional cycles (10-12 weeks), but it's much harder to restart natty test production and start feeling normal after a long cycle.
i agree with wannagetbigga you get larger gains.not sure on the recovery part yet tho sicne im running my first long cycles now(18 weeks).