Who has used Karachi's and what were your gains?


New member
About to put in for some Karachi's and just wondered what gains everyone experienced. This is a test only cycle @500mg a week for 12 weeks.
With all the supps vitamins and everything else i bought i hope to put on at least 30lbs for my first cycle. Keep 25lbs which would put me at 215.
Has anyone ever heard of anyone putting on 40lbs and keeping at least 32-35lbs? You never know so i just thought i would ask....

thanks for the input
just eat well, train hard and get plenty of rest and let the results happen as they may. Don't get caught up in the numbers. What ever you gain is a bonus, whether its 10, 15, or 25 lbs.
30lbs of lean body mass is alot of weight. If I were you I would try to get moderate gains that would be easier to keep. I read that it took Dorian 13 years to gain 70lbs lbm.
thanks for the reply...i may have jumped the gun but i ordered something completely different..now im going to have to wait and see if this guy comes through.

Here is what i ordered. Im not going to use all this gear at once 2 cycles prolly
I am going to shoot the andro for 10 weeks switch to prop for last 2
Use the dex @.25 every 2-3 days and use the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) according to what info i have found here 200-300iu every 3-4 days, end post cycle therapy (pct) with nolva ed and might use clomid eod..there are so many schools of though on this subject that im going to have to see how i feel...if anything i will have almost enough fro 2 cycles...

BTW your avatar is hypnotic...nice

Andropen275 275mg/1ml, 10ml 2 vials

Choriomon Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) IBSA, Suisse 1 15.000 iu

Testabol Propionate 100mg/1ml, 10ml British Dragon, 1 vial

Nolvadex, 20mg Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Israel 100 tabs
Anastrozole 1mg British Dragon, Thailand 50 tabs
Clomiphene citrate, 50mg Anfarm Hellas,S.A. Greece 48 tabs