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It's been said over and over to people doing a first or second cycle that stack multiple aas NOT to do it. How do you know which gave you the great benefits or the horrible sides? Here's a simple example of why this is so important.
I'm on synthroid, test, anastrazole, and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). Had no problems with these at all other than dialing in the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose. Recently switched my BP med to benicarHRT and this week added peptides (sermorelin, ghrp2, 6). After being on benecar for a couple weeks I noticed I would wake up with my arms and legs tingling and numb and my pulse has been faster. This is a symptom of both benicar AND more viscous blood due to higher test dose. Which caused it? I moved when I took benicar from morning to evening and the numbness mostly subsided, still have fast pulse. Sounds like benicar. Without labs this is empiracle data, not quantitative.
This week I added the peptides. Holy shit the hunger and low blood sugar surprised me! The injection sites also tend to get a little red- I probably have a small reaction to the peptide carrier solution. Yesterday I felt a little light headed after the midday peptide dose and went to physical therapy. Got home, ate, and pinned test. While pinning one of my kids fell in the tub (sheesh is there no alone time after kids??) so I quickly pinned, forgetting to aspirate(of course by the time I pulled out the needle he was laughing and splashing again). The needle had some blood on it and the pin site bled quite a bit- unusual for me. After getting kid out of the tub I noticed my pulse had really picked up. Not only was it over 100bpm, but it was Pounding in my chest. Checked bp- 110/89 pulse 98. Sat down to relax and breath and had to get back up to help pack lunches... light headed. BP 109/71 pulse 109. So I decided to skip the night dose of peptides in case those were causing it.
Got up at 415, pinned peptides, showered, had protein shake, and headed to the gym. Pulse was sky high slamming in my chest and ears. Had to really focus on breathing to keep lightheadedness at bay. Got home, bp 140/78 pulse 129. Woke up the kids, showered, finished protein shake, bp 107/71 pulse 119.
So I ask you.... what's causing this? Search the internet for tachycardia (rapid pulse typically over 100). it can be caused by benicar (ok, not an aas but still). It can be caused by thyroid meds (as well as having too low thyroid). And it can be caused by thickening of the heart muscle brough on by aas use (there are other causes, but in this example the new thing is high test). There is also some evidence estrogenic effects can contribute to tachycardia. I have a call into my cardiologist bc I'm not going to wait for the stroke or heart attack to find out what this is about.
Why should you start with test alone and only add one thing at a time to subsequent cycles? So you learn your body and how it reacts to these meds. These are not vitamins or caffeine. These are hormones- the chemical signals your body uses to function. The veterans here make it sound easy only bc they've spent the time and done the research. Would you snort coke, shoot heroin, smoke crack and do meth all at once the first time you try drugs? Of course not. Why would you treat aas any differently.....end of soap box.
I'm on synthroid, test, anastrazole, and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). Had no problems with these at all other than dialing in the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose. Recently switched my BP med to benicarHRT and this week added peptides (sermorelin, ghrp2, 6). After being on benecar for a couple weeks I noticed I would wake up with my arms and legs tingling and numb and my pulse has been faster. This is a symptom of both benicar AND more viscous blood due to higher test dose. Which caused it? I moved when I took benicar from morning to evening and the numbness mostly subsided, still have fast pulse. Sounds like benicar. Without labs this is empiracle data, not quantitative.
This week I added the peptides. Holy shit the hunger and low blood sugar surprised me! The injection sites also tend to get a little red- I probably have a small reaction to the peptide carrier solution. Yesterday I felt a little light headed after the midday peptide dose and went to physical therapy. Got home, ate, and pinned test. While pinning one of my kids fell in the tub (sheesh is there no alone time after kids??) so I quickly pinned, forgetting to aspirate(of course by the time I pulled out the needle he was laughing and splashing again). The needle had some blood on it and the pin site bled quite a bit- unusual for me. After getting kid out of the tub I noticed my pulse had really picked up. Not only was it over 100bpm, but it was Pounding in my chest. Checked bp- 110/89 pulse 98. Sat down to relax and breath and had to get back up to help pack lunches... light headed. BP 109/71 pulse 109. So I decided to skip the night dose of peptides in case those were causing it.
Got up at 415, pinned peptides, showered, had protein shake, and headed to the gym. Pulse was sky high slamming in my chest and ears. Had to really focus on breathing to keep lightheadedness at bay. Got home, bp 140/78 pulse 129. Woke up the kids, showered, finished protein shake, bp 107/71 pulse 119.
So I ask you.... what's causing this? Search the internet for tachycardia (rapid pulse typically over 100). it can be caused by benicar (ok, not an aas but still). It can be caused by thyroid meds (as well as having too low thyroid). And it can be caused by thickening of the heart muscle brough on by aas use (there are other causes, but in this example the new thing is high test). There is also some evidence estrogenic effects can contribute to tachycardia. I have a call into my cardiologist bc I'm not going to wait for the stroke or heart attack to find out what this is about.
Why should you start with test alone and only add one thing at a time to subsequent cycles? So you learn your body and how it reacts to these meds. These are not vitamins or caffeine. These are hormones- the chemical signals your body uses to function. The veterans here make it sound easy only bc they've spent the time and done the research. Would you snort coke, shoot heroin, smoke crack and do meth all at once the first time you try drugs? Of course not. Why would you treat aas any differently.....end of soap box.
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