Why beginners should start your cycle with simplicity


New member
It's been said over and over to people doing a first or second cycle that stack multiple aas NOT to do it. How do you know which gave you the great benefits or the horrible sides? Here's a simple example of why this is so important.

I'm on synthroid, test, anastrazole, and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). Had no problems with these at all other than dialing in the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose. Recently switched my BP med to benicarHRT and this week added peptides (sermorelin, ghrp2, 6). After being on benecar for a couple weeks I noticed I would wake up with my arms and legs tingling and numb and my pulse has been faster. This is a symptom of both benicar AND more viscous blood due to higher test dose. Which caused it? I moved when I took benicar from morning to evening and the numbness mostly subsided, still have fast pulse. Sounds like benicar. Without labs this is empiracle data, not quantitative.

This week I added the peptides. Holy shit the hunger and low blood sugar surprised me! The injection sites also tend to get a little red- I probably have a small reaction to the peptide carrier solution. Yesterday I felt a little light headed after the midday peptide dose and went to physical therapy. Got home, ate, and pinned test. While pinning one of my kids fell in the tub (sheesh is there no alone time after kids??) so I quickly pinned, forgetting to aspirate(of course by the time I pulled out the needle he was laughing and splashing again). The needle had some blood on it and the pin site bled quite a bit- unusual for me. After getting kid out of the tub I noticed my pulse had really picked up. Not only was it over 100bpm, but it was Pounding in my chest. Checked bp- 110/89 pulse 98. Sat down to relax and breath and had to get back up to help pack lunches... light headed. BP 109/71 pulse 109. So I decided to skip the night dose of peptides in case those were causing it.

Got up at 415, pinned peptides, showered, had protein shake, and headed to the gym. Pulse was sky high slamming in my chest and ears. Had to really focus on breathing to keep lightheadedness at bay. Got home, bp 140/78 pulse 129. Woke up the kids, showered, finished protein shake, bp 107/71 pulse 119.

So I ask you.... what's causing this? Search the internet for tachycardia (rapid pulse typically over 100). it can be caused by benicar (ok, not an aas but still). It can be caused by thyroid meds (as well as having too low thyroid). And it can be caused by thickening of the heart muscle brough on by aas use (there are other causes, but in this example the new thing is high test). There is also some evidence estrogenic effects can contribute to tachycardia. I have a call into my cardiologist bc I'm not going to wait for the stroke or heart attack to find out what this is about.

Why should you start with test alone and only add one thing at a time to subsequent cycles? So you learn your body and how it reacts to these meds. These are not vitamins or caffeine. These are hormones- the chemical signals your body uses to function. The veterans here make it sound easy only bc they've spent the time and done the research. Would you snort coke, shoot heroin, smoke crack and do meth all at once the first time you try drugs? Of course not. Why would you treat aas any differently.....end of soap box.
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I have heard this not only here but all my friends that have been in the game for years. It doesnt matter if you k ow the sides of every thing u use you have no idea what is happening once its in your body. Some people will listen others will not and will be the ones talking about being shut down at age 28 with ed probls and having to be on viagra or worse so u can get it up again. Whats so fucking wrong with listening to advise ia beyond me.
it would appear the pulse issue was a combination of the bp med and perhaps a bit of test entering the blood stream IV. Never know for certain, but it's stopped the craziness (seriously, sleeping with a pulse at 109 if friggin nuts). Pinned about 150mg test today and no issues.

Also had my echocardiogram done. Width at the valve was 1.1, which was the upper limit for my age. The %efficiency was 66% which was also good, tho a little higher than the target 60%. According to the preliminary results, my heart is terrific, with the high in-range values being consistent with controlled high bp.

For me this is all good news and I feel good about finishing out this round of test and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). I also feel good about a future cycle including var or another 'gentle' addition. I feel good about that bc I'll have dialed in my meds and I know how test, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), and peptides affect me individually and collectively. It's just that simple.
Good to hear brother and I also thinl this should be a sticky. Theres a lot of good infp in here from personal experience that many new guys like myself lack. I wouldbhave been in the ER from the word get lol. Stay healthy and take care of yourself we need guys like yourself who are willing to put yourself out there to give us new guys with limited knowledge of drug interactions like in your case.

again thank you
Sticky this will be a VERY important sticky for uninformed noobs

Don't take this wrong but this seems pretty dang obvious as a risk. You're on a thyroid med, test, Aromatase inhibitor (AI), and youre already currently on a bp med correct? This is a common result that happens with many people. Not to mention if youre already on a bp med before you even start a cycle.. I had this exact thing happen to me on a superdrol cycle and it completely went away when I upped my bp vitamin and stopped using my pre along with the cycle (i like hype :spin:) Went to the doc and everything and ran the ekg etc because my pulse wouldnt drop below 100 at rest. These are common sides and seeing how your body responds to something. Obviously dont start by stacking 3 compounds or something but either way simplicity or not you would of had the same sides..
Don't take this wrong but this seems pretty dang obvious as a risk. You're on a thyroid med, test, Aromatase inhibitor (AI), and youre already currently on a bp med correct? This is a common result that happens with many people. Not to mention if youre already on a bp med before you even start a cycle.. I had this exact thing happen to me on a superdrol cycle and it completely went away when I upped my bp vitamin and stopped using my pre along with the cycle (i like hype :spin:) Went to the doc and everything and ran the ekg etc because my pulse wouldnt drop below 100 at rest. These are common sides and seeing how your body responds to something. Obviously dont start by stacking 3 compounds or something but either way simplicity or not you would of had the same sides..

I guess there were 2 points.. in my case it was a new bp med. another new med and the pulse issue went away. I was several weeks into my test routine when this happened. so it wasn't gear related at all. I surely wouldn't have wanted to UP my bp med. I was already at 109/71!

But the overall point of the post- which fortunately you already understand- is because every other day there's a post of someone wanting to do a first cycle and lists like 5 hardcore things they want to stack. then they argue with the vets and mods about only doing test first cycle. So I was hoping my experience would maybe give a logical, real life example of how a new bp med along with a stack of 5 aas would have made figuring out the issue nearly impossible. The thyroid and test supplements will be for life. But with the help of IMT's test, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), and peptides I expect the bp meds to go away.

good luck!
I guess there were 2 points.. in my case it was a new bp med. another new med and the pulse issue went away. I was several weeks into my test routine when this happened. so it wasn't gear related at all. I surely wouldn't have wanted to UP my bp med. I was already at 109/71!

But the overall point of the post- which fortunately you already understand- is because every other day there's a post of someone wanting to do a first cycle and lists like 5 hardcore things they want to stack. then they argue with the vets and mods about only doing test first cycle. So I was hoping my experience would maybe give a logical, real life example of how a new bp med along with a stack of 5 aas would have made figuring out the issue nearly impossible. The thyroid and test supplements will be for life. But with the help of IMT's test, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), and peptides I expect the bp meds to go away.

good luck!

Hahah, no i understand dude. Definitely see the share of people who just expect an easy way for everything. And i definitely know where you're coming from with the reaction you had, i gave mine a couple days to see if it would go away before i literally thought I was going to have a heart attack. Worst time in your life especially when you have a family to care for. Glad you actually sought medical attention, worst thing in the world when I see idiot "veterans" on here telling some people to ride it out or be a man... good luck in the future brotha!
It's been said over and over to people doing a first or second cycle that stack multiple aas NOT to do it. How do you know which gave you the great benefits or the horrible sides? Here's a simple example of why this is so important.

I'm on synthroid, test, anastrazole, and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). Had no problems with these at all other than dialing in the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose. Recently switched my BP med to benicarHRT and this week added peptides (sermorelin, ghrp2, 6). After being on benecar for a couple weeks I noticed I would wake up with my arms and legs tingling and numb and my pulse has been faster. This is a symptom of both benicar AND more viscous blood due to higher test dose. Which caused it? I moved when I took benicar from morning to evening and the numbness mostly subsided, still have fast pulse. Sounds like benicar. Without labs this is empiracle data, not quantitative.

This week I added the peptides. Holy shit the hunger and low blood sugar surprised me! The injection sites also tend to get a little red- I probably have a small reaction to the peptide carrier solution. Yesterday I felt a little light headed after the midday peptide dose and went to physical therapy. Got home, ate, and pinned test. While pinning one of my kids fell in the tub (sheesh is there no alone time after kids??) so I quickly pinned, forgetting to aspirate(of course by the time I pulled out the needle he was laughing and splashing again). The needle had some blood on it and the pin site bled quite a bit- unusual for me. After getting kid out of the tub I noticed my pulse had really picked up. Not only was it over 100bpm, but it was Pounding in my chest. Checked bp- 110/89 pulse 98. Sat down to relax and breath and had to get back up to help pack lunches... light headed. BP 109/71 pulse 109. So I decided to skip the night dose of peptides in case those were causing it.

Got up at 415, pinned peptides, showered, had protein shake, and headed to the gym. Pulse was sky high slamming in my chest and ears. Had to really focus on breathing to keep lightheadedness at bay. Got home, bp 140/78 pulse 129. Woke up the kids, showered, finished protein shake, bp 107/71 pulse 119.

So I ask you.... what's causing this? Search the internet for tachycardia (rapid pulse typically over 100). it can be caused by benicar (ok, not an aas but still). It can be caused by thyroid meds (as well as having too low thyroid). And it can be caused by thickening of the heart muscle brough on by aas use (there are other causes, but in this example the new thing is high test). There is also some evidence estrogenic effects can contribute to tachycardia. I have a call into my cardiologist bc I'm not going to wait for the stroke or heart attack to find out what this is about.

Why should you start with test alone and only add one thing at a time to subsequent cycles? So you learn your body and how it reacts to these meds. These are not vitamins or caffeine. These are hormones- the chemical signals your body uses to function. The veterans here make it sound easy only bc they've spent the time and done the research. Would you snort coke, shoot heroin, smoke crack and do meth all at once the first time you try drugs? Of course not. Why would you treat aas any differently.....end of soap box.

Well said brother. A good read for the guys just getting started. 400-500mg test enanthate or cypionate is what I usually suggest for the first couple cycles. That is what I used for my first cycle and the results were amazing. My lifts all went up significantly and I put on about 15-20lbs over a 10 week period of time.

I like to take this one step further and suggest that you don't go wild with daily injections with a wide range of AAS's even later unless you wish to compete as a bodybuilder. You will thank me down the road when all your bros are complaining to you about scar tissue from years of injections.
Top post, should be at least added to the First Cycle Sticky. I say it time and time again, 400-600mg of Test with an AI is plenty to gain on for a first cycle, if you aren't happy you are either greedy as fuck, impatient, or just do not know how to train or eat correctly.