why do i get sick like i didnt eat when working out


New member
whats up, recenlty i have been going to the gym early on the weekend and i eat right before i work out and i get like really sick like i havent eaten yet, is it because my food hasnt digested yet? how long should i give my self after eating to go to the gym. the first time i didnt have anything and then had a vitamin water at the gym and the second time i had a full protein shake with oats and non fat milk. Also could it be that im taking my straterra with the food.?
If I have a small, high protein snack, I usually wait about 30 minutes. But if I eat a large meal I wait about an hour and a half.
today i ate a big peice of bread like 20 min before the gym and then i had a vitamin water at the gym and i did legs for the first time in a long time cause my back is screwed. I did three sets of hack squats and 3 sets of leg presses and i got so nausious i had to chill for like 15 min before i could do any biceps.
sound as though you could have an allergy to gluten.... the bread. and why did u take the vitamin in water at the gym? just take your multivitamin with your first meal of the day.
nest time you go to the gym try a different carb source, such as old fashioned oatmeal and a lean protein source, have this 1 hr before the gym.
atherjen said:
sound as though you could have an allergy to gluten.... the bread. and why did u take the vitamin in water at the gym? just take your multivitamin with your first meal of the day.
nest time you go to the gym try a different carb source, such as old fashioned oatmeal and a lean protein source, have this 1 hr before the gym.

I agree with Jen. I think you may need to try a different carb source.
And the fact that you are eating so close to gym time, may be upsetting your stomach as well. :)
I think it was the fact that you where going to do an intense workout, and you only had a piece of bread in your stomach. Your insulin basically shot up, and probably plummited by your first set. You need a compliment of protein, fat and carbs to keep your levels stable. It was also probably due to the fact that you have not trained legs in a long time, that adaptation response can be nauseating.
thanks a lot for the responce, i think i didnt give the food long enough to digest and turn into an energy source. Vitamin water is a drink like gatorade that has small amounts of vitamins in it.
i was thinking maybe i had some sort of insulin problem since i am tired all the time and i tend to store fat but i had a blood test to check for being diabetic a few years ago and it turned out normal. But somtimes i get nasious or like weak or get a head ache when i havent eaten and sometimes it evens happen when i eat. I have to start eating about an haour before i go to the gym. Is the the viamin water or gatorade i drink at the gym a waste? does the suger get to my blood for my work out or is once im at the gym too late to drink it, even though i plan on having a meal 1 hour before. thanks
You may not be diabetic, but you still could have a form of insulin resistance. In which case, proper diet is essential for top performance. PErsonally, I feel that vitamin water is crap, it is basically sugar + H2o.
yeah i realize that its mostly suger, i usally dont drink any sugery drinks or foods but i thought it would help me out with energy if drank some suger at the gym, is this false? does the suger even get into my system while im at the gym.
Yes, the sugar gets into your system, but I've never found it to be really effective for myself or any of my athletes. If you are going to use it, I would add glutamine to it.
hello, i know its been a while since i made this post but i had a lot of stuff goin on. I always eat healthy but today was my first day that i was going to try and get a set diet going. Any way i woke up at had 2 serving of old fashined oatmeal with a few raisins i was full, i waited about hour and then went to the gym and before i even started working out i felt like i havent eaten. then i started to work out and after a few sets started to feel like my blood suger was low. what was i doing wrong.
There was no real protein or fat in that meal that you posted. I would have a protein shakew/ some form of essential fat w/ the oatmeal. Then I would see how I feel in about 15 minutes, and then go to the gym.
strattera usually gives me a stomach ache when i take it in the morning. with or without food.