Why does everyone hate PH/DS (non traditional AAS)

Ive never tried any and never will. From someone whos has liver problems before i dont feel its worth the risk with any orals for that matter. If i ever decide to add any to my injectable cycles i will definitely be going with ones that have been studied before and not PHs.
i highly doubt that Mtren or all your other designer steroids will give better results than a test/tren stack! i do know that your designer drugs will absolutely wreck your liver so have fun living in your fantasy world the next few years till you need a liver transplant

I cant tell if this is a troll statement or if you are really that ignorant...saying that just mtren won't have the same effect as test/tren is ridiculous. There are so many factors that play into that statement its absurd (ie. dosages, length, etc). I am saying that used in the right combination with other steroids it will have an effect that you cannot get with anything else.

Also, if you are one of the ignorant people that think proper use of oral steroids will wreck your liver then you shouldn't be in this thread. Clearly that is not the case from the hundreds of thousands of people that use them a year. More people have liver failure from tylenol than oral steroids.

This thread is for people who use oral AAS but bash DS
I wouldn't call test on its own a waste, but I do agree that PH/DS/Orals have a definite place in a cycle. I don't remember off the top of my head, but aren't some DS more anabolic than some AAS? I think it all boils down to the individual recognizing what these do to their bodies and making the proper decision to have a base for ANY cycle regardless if it is classified as a PH/DS/Oral AAS.

Many DS are more potent than traditional AAS. SD is 3x as anabolic as dbol with a 1/5 of the androgenic effect. M1T has all of them beat I think besides Mtren at an anabolic rating of 1600 (not exactly sure as I do not have 10th anabolics in front of me).

Its all about using the right tools for the job and using any oral in proper lengths/dosages will not harm you long term (anymore than appropriately using tylenol or prescription pain meds will). Doctors use oral steroids, many times, in ways BB's never would.

Oxymetholone promotes weight gain in patients with... [Br J Nutr. 1996] - PubMed - NCBI
150mg anadrol/day for 30 weeks in that study.
Dude you are one stupid ignorant troll. Maybe some day you will grow some balls and do a real aas
Cycle so you could see for yourself that nothing compares to the real thing.
You could do a test only cycle (which is IMO a waste) and gain 10-15lbs or you could do the same test cycle with a kicker (SD, msten, M1T, etc) and gain 25lbs plus get greater strength gains...its getting more bang for your buck out of each cycle. Not to mention the contest/physique benefits of orals like anavar, winstrol, mtren, SD, etc

Why are you in such a hurry? Ever hear that it's a marathon not a sprint? Also if you gain too much muscle too quick, isn't that how people get injured? Tendons can't support the quick muscle growth. I hear of it happening to people on here all the time, try to get big too quick and then next thing you know they are posting about an injury.
Dude you are one stupid ignorant troll. Maybe some day you will grow some balls and do a real aas
Cycle so you could see for yourself that nothing compares to the real thing.

I have...and I am saying that there are PH/DS that are better than normal AAS.

Also to 3ct, yes it is a marathon but why wouldn't you cycle smart so you can get the most out of each cycle. If you are gonna fuck up your hormones, might as well make it worth while. Like I said, orals are tools just like injects...use them for your intended goals as they fit.

Oh, and injuries like you are talking about don't happen from the muscle growing to quick, they happen from trying to lift to much to quick....which is easy to avoid if you know what you are doing.
Oh, and injuries like you are talking about don't happen from the muscle growing to quick, they happen from trying to lift to much to quick....which is easy to avoid if you know what you are doing.

I doubt it. I don't have studies on me but, I'm sure it's a fact the tendons grow and strengthen slower than muscle does. So, if your tendons are not able or not used to supporting a certain weight then you will get injured. They haven't had enough time to fully strengthen. It happens to people on here, and I'm sure they know how to lift because some how they just mysteriously get these injuries once they start getting big quick. I can think of two perfect examples right now, one I PM with sometimes and even posted in this thread but, I'm not outing anybodys personal matters.

Again, so why are you in such a hurry?
I doubt it. I don't have studies on me but, I'm sure it's a fact the tendons grow and strengthen slower than muscle does. So, if your tendons are not able or not used to supporting a certain weight then you will get injured. They haven't had enough time to fully strengthen. It happens to people on here, and I'm sure they know how to lift because some how they just mysteriously get these injuries once they start getting big quick. I can think of two perfect examples right now, one I PM with sometimes and even posted in this thread but, I'm not outing anybodys personal matters.

Again, so why are you in such a hurry?

You are correct it happens cause the tendons can't keep up but if you can bench 315 or 405 then the tendons could handle another 15-20lbs of muscle. It is when you lift more than they can handle because your muscles get stronger faster than tendons/ligaments...this is where HGH can come in handy
You are correct it happens cause the tendons can't keep up but if you can bench 315 or 405 then the tendons could handle another 15-20lbs of muscle. It is when you lift more than they can handle because your muscles get stronger faster than tendons/ligaments...this is where HGH can come in handy

yeah exactly so if you put on 25 lbs. using your example of the orals, then it's likely somebody will get injured. I mean what else do you think somebody is going to do if they FEEL stronger, and have put on more weight? They are going to lift more naturally. Going back to your first example of test ony cycle being a WASTE (in your own words) which would put you in the 10-15 lbs. of mass, would put you right in the safe zone, wouldn't it? Whereas with your oral cycle and putting on 25 lbs. you are risking injury as you pointed out yourself in your previous post.

Also I don't have studies on me but, I'm pretty sure it's NOT proven HGH strengthens tendons and I'm on HGH myself and I looked into it and of course that was one of my main reasons however, I'm pretty sure I found in my research that it's not proven but, that it can help strengthen connective tissue. Also even if it did strengthen tendons, it still takes a long time to actually see the benefits of HGH, at least 6 months, preferably a year. So, still putting on too much muscle too quick could still be an issue because HGH doesn't work that fast.
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You are correct it happens cause the tendons can't keep up but if you can bench 315 or 405 then the tendons could handle another 15-20lbs of muscle. It is when you lift more than they can handle because your muscles get stronger faster than tendons/ligaments...this is where HGH can come in handy

You could do a test only cycle (which is IMO a waste) and gain 10-15lbs or you could do the same test cycle with a kicker (SD, msten, M1T, etc) and gain 25lbs plus get greater strength gains..

Congratulations, you contradicted yourself and have just proved yourself as a dumbass. Great job in putting stupid shit into newbies heads.
^you took what I said way to literally. Ok, so you put on 25lbs, my point is, carrying the extra muscle is NOT what will injure you...that doesn't even make sense. If you have decent lifts and lifting experience (say 315 on bench) then hold an extra 25lbs is nothing....Nothing you could put on with roids will matter. You don't see guys who put on 25lbs walking around and their pecs falling off for no reason or shoulder separating while sitting at the computer.

These injuries happen WHILE lifting more than tendons can handle. I know guys that juice that never lift near their max for that reason. They may be able to do working sets with X weight and they do working sets with 80% X and do more reps, more sets, drop sets, rest pause, super sets, slow negatives, etc that fatigue the muscle without lifting all out at 100%. That would be stupid and asking for an injury.
And to qualify my statement. A test only cycle is a waste compared to the strength/size you could gain using other compounds with it. Unless you blast and cruise, most guys I know want to get the most out of each cycle. There are reasons to do a test only cycle (ie. staying in a weight class) but most guys like to add other compounds to gain strength or lose fat (ie tren)
^you took what I said way to literally. Ok, so you put on 25lbs, my point is, carrying the extra muscle is NOT what will injure you...that doesn't even make sense. If you have decent lifts and lifting experience (say 315 on bench) then hold an extra 25lbs is nothing....Nothing you could put on with roids will matter. You don't see guys who put on 25lbs walking around and their pecs falling off for no reason or shoulder separating while sitting at the computer.

These injuries happen WHILE lifting more than tendons can handle. I know guys that juice that never lift near their max for that reason. They may be able to do working sets with X weight and they do working sets with 80% X and do more reps, more sets, drop sets, rest pause, super sets, slow negatives, etc that fatigue the muscle without lifting all out at 100%. That would be stupid and asking for an injury.

Of course I didn't mean that you're just sitting there and muscle falls off your tendon or something, you're just being ridiculous. Of course it happens while you're lifting. It happens often, and it's common. You can try to ignore it and blame it on technique if you want. Fact of the matter is, guys put on strength and mass quick, they feel stronger, so they will lift more weight and yes get injured WHILE lifting. Never said peoples shoulders fall off while sitting at the computer, you're being ludicrous.

As someone told you in your previous thread if somebody is seasoned enough and a vet they can make their own decisions about what they need to do. You're just openly suggesting your cycle is a better alternative because you can get more gains regardless of any other fact. Now, you are bringing up, "if you know how to lift" that's BS or else people wouldn't be getting injured so often. I'm sure they know how to lift that's how they were able to put on the muscle in the first place.
^yea if they knew how to lift...if they knew how to lift while using juice they would know that you will probably get injured if you try to add 100lbs to your bench and are maxing every week.

Anyways, I am not suggesting my cycle alternative is better...I didn't even post a cycle. I am asking why a lot of people on the board will use traditional AAS orals and not designer steroids that are newer when sometimes DS are a better tool for the job. For example, there is no AAS that will put on the amount of lean dry mass as superdrol, msten, or dzine.
Some of the compounds in the DS/PH scare me a little, because they are using some unsafe chemistry that can have some serious health repercussions down the road.

Changing the confirmation of functional groups or even moving a single bond in a compound can make the difference between a drug working wonders, or killing you. This is found all over in pharmacology, hence, why everything is extensively tested on lab animals.