Why does everyone recommend lower than 15% bf?

Sure then OP go ahead and bulk til obesity then and have a heart attack from ur high bf% and gear

You're an idiot, and probably just a troll, so people shouldn't bother responding. I'll bite for one comment. More fat does not equal more strength. During his bulk if his diet isn't completely on point he may gain more fat than he would've had his diet been on point. However any increase in strength is an attribute of more muscle, since more fat doesn't cause you to be able to life more weight. If that was the case a 600lb obese guy would be one of the strongest men in the world. Stop being an idiot.
From what I understand, a line in the sand needs to be drawn for which a recommendation can be made. 15% is a good number to use. Does that mean 16% is no good? Of course not, heck, 20% is fine if you know what you are doing. But if asked, 15% is a great all around number to use. If someone is at 15% body fat (and not a teenager or early 20s), that is a good indication they understand nutrition and how to eat properly. Just eating properly and doing some exercises to keep what muscles I have has dropped me from about 28% body fat to about 15% body fat in 4 months (thanks 3J!!). I THOUGHT I was eating good, and compared to most Americans I really was...but in reality I was not.

Now, sitting around 15% body fat, I have a great understanding about how and what to eat to cut and to maintain my physique. During that time, I read a lot and learned about TDEE, different types of cardio, on and on. I know enough now that I can safely bulk, under the guidance of a more knowledgeable person (again, thank you 3J!!). I could never have done that at the start.

We assume that people above 25 years old who are at 15% body fat have a good, general understanding of how to eat properly since it is so hard to be at 15% body fat without it. Makes for a good point to start discussions.
the man himself 3j said ur not dedicated man what else do u want lol?

brother.. slow down... youre flaming a bit too much and we dont take that lightly around here..

youre gonna get booted if you keep this up.. chill out
I think most the guys here are into body building and want to look like cut fitness models.. So they assume everyone else does to,, using gear to excel in bodybuilding is just one of many purposes to use gear. The first thing that should be asked is "what is your goal",, not what is your bf%.

Looking at OPs goal of gaining strength and one day maybe getting into powerlifting,, who gives a shit what the bf % is.. Just keep you Estro in check, eat big, train big, cycle big and your strength will go up. (I wouldn't say that though if you want to look like Guys in the fitness magazines,, but that's not your goal)
I think most the guys here are into body building and want to look like cut fitness models.. So they assume everyone else does to,, using gear to excel in bodybuilding is just one of many purposes to use gear. The first thing that should be asked is "what is your goal",, not what is your bf%.

Looking at OPs goal of gaining strength and one day maybe getting into powerlifting,, who gives a shit what the bf % is.. Just keep you Estro in check, eat big, train big, cycle big and your strength will go up. (I wouldn't say that though if you want to look like Guys in the fitness magazines,, but that's not your goal)

Agreed, but it is good that they recommend the lower bf for most. I want strength but I won't go higher in BF% than the low 20's because of the health problems that follow. Some powerlifters and strongmen are dieing too young.