Elite Juicer
Well, being informed of the age barrier and deciding to use anyway is kind of considered negligible abuse. But, that's just how I see it.
Of course, you could still do everything perfect and be fine, or... Do everything perfect and poof! no more balls, forever. Hard to say at any age. Have you considered that? Doing everything right doesn't mean you won't get the shaft first time around..
Mmm, I donno, steroid use is technically abuse whatever way you look at it... Anything put into the body is abuse. Using steroids at 20, correctly, IMO is less "abuse" than what it is to go out and get smashed on alcohol and drugs every weekend or living the fast food lifestyle. I'm more concerned that using steroids with knowledge at that age is the least of our worries on this earth or health. Healthwise I'm more concerned about the shit we breathe in our air, the chemicals that our food is laced with. If you ask me, it feels more natural and probably safer and healthier to be on a stomper dose of testosterone, a naturally produced hormone, than it is living the way we do in this century and eating the processed, chemical ridden foods and shit in our body. I would love to know where testosterone levels where a good 50, 100, 200, 1000 heck a graph seeing where the average male testosterone is NOW to where it was back when we roamed naked and hunted for food. No doubt it will be a downhill slope from caveman era to 21st century, so.
Effects like not bouncing back etc can happen regardless of age and IMO you have a better chance bouncing back at 20-30 years age than what you do above 30. Side effects are going to vary person to person, its just how it is and can't be predicted.