Why is corn "bad" for bodybuilders?

When bulking, everything is good for me!
Ice Cream

As for corn, I only like it when it is still on the cob.
They use corn to fatten cattle. It causes that cool 'marbled' look to the meat.

So, unless you want to become a fat cow, stay away from an assload of corn.

Okay, there is always the exception and that is if you have a very hard time putting on size. Then corn is okay.
fl8meplz thats crazy. It is the amount of food the cows eat not what they eat. They like corn more than hay so they eat more of it.

Just read the nutrition label on corn, it isn't that bad at all. I love making a healthy gumbo with corn, green beans, okra, chicken, habenjeros, and some tomatos. Healthy and good for a lean meal.
It isn't so much that corn is 'bad', it is just not the best vegetable choice!
I mean if you are bulking then go ahead and eat up, but if you are in contest prep, then I would say stay away from a lot of it.
crazymike said:
BY the way, who here like creamed corn?
I have not had it in a long time, but I used to love it as a kid!!

Probably haven't had it in 20 years, but yeah, creamed corn is great when you're a kid. Especially with a little butter.

You want an instant trip back to when you were six years old? Peanut butter and saltines!

I think corn is pretty high on the GI?? that in itself would not make it a good choice if your trying to get lean.

elijah_123 said:
fl8meplz thats crazy. It is the amount of food the cows eat not what they eat. They like corn more than hay so they eat more of it.

Just read the nutrition label on corn, it isn't that bad at all. I love making a healthy gumbo with corn, green beans, okra, chicken, habenjeros, and some tomatos. Healthy and good for a lean meal.

I hate to disagree with you somewhat on this. I am from cow country so I do know something about this. Pasture fed beef is always leaner than grain fed beef. Yeah cows do like corn, but they like alfalfa, fescue, clover too. By changing the feed of cattle you change the lean/fat ratio of resulting cuts. Add more corn - get higher percentage of marbled beef.

Corn is great as long as you are bulking. Stay away if your goal is leanness.