why is my appetite decreasing?


New member
Hey guys I'm currently running about 1000mg sust, 750 deca, 500 masteron, 70 tbol ed, and putting in a Lil eq. Here and there and some reason my appetite is decreasing bad? I'm down to eating twice a day sometimes 3 times a day. Where am I going wrong? I'm not training as much as I use to but at least 2 to 3 times a week. I've used for at least 3 years now. I'm 33 5'7" 205lbs and about 9% bf.
it really affect people differently.. it could have nothing to do with the gear too.. any other medication you are taking or a change in medication?
2310 mg of gear a week ?

AAAAhhhh Damn dude...what s your appetite usually like ?

W all that gear...maybe your full ?

Seriously..no idea..how long you been running that ? At 33 your not 50 but bro, in 2 years I ve had some very serious health problems...what s your rational ?
2310 mg of gear a week ?

AAAAhhhh Damn dude...what s your appetite usually like ?

W all that gear...maybe your full ?

Seriously..no idea..how long you been running that ? At 33 your not 50 but bro, in 2 years I ve had some very serious health problems...what s your rational ?


Why so much gear OP? Especially if you're only hitting the gym 2 to 3 times a week? Stressed out by chance? Easily one of the most common sources of lack of appetite.
I can understand the deca/mast/tbol but why such a high amount of sust as well?
Could be the orals.

Do you take a pre workout supp that could possibly be killing you appetite.

Are you drinking TOO much water, thus making you feel full all the time?

You could be plain ol' sick and tired of eating, I go through phases like this once in a while.

force feeding get s fkn old and I was raised to eat til I m not hungry not stuffed..I can t go to a buffet anymore as the amount of rotund peope saddling up to the trough make s me disgusted but back to you.....no idea what the --ck
if I took that much gear on cycle I would expect worse things than decreased appetite. Damn brother, more is not better, unless you're talking about sex.
Yea prolly stress bc im foing theu it w my gf breaking uo and tryin to get back.... I try not to let it bother me but damn I cant keep away from a hunny hole lol gotta have stress relief lol