Why running low Test with Tren?


New member

The most often people recommend run very low Test when You are stacking it with Tren. I mean Test doses like 150-250mg week. What is reason to do it? Sides? But... that sides are from higher Test or high Estrogen? Why not to run more Test but keep Estro in check with IA ( we have a lot of generations AIs like now, very easy to get, even pharmacy grade... )? You know, a lot of studies which show that for example 300mg vs 600mg Test is a lot of diffrence and more benefits from 600mg than 300mg.

What can be better?

Tren A 75mg ed
Test P 75mg ed ( ~525mg week )


Tren A 75mg ed
Test P 50mg eod ( ~175mg week )
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I think people do it because they do not want the bloat that comes with test when they are running tren, which is usually used in a cut. It all depends on what you want out of the cycle. I think that running high test and medium tren will yield some beastly results as far as strength and size are concerned. Managing sides is easier also when people don't have to control their estraidol very aggressively like you do when running a gram of test. I would go with option A and get the sick strength and feel good while on that higher dose of test. You probably won't get as lean, but size and strength will be through the roof.
simple -- Tren does not aromatize. Testosterone does.. Tren shuts you down so you still need Test as a base.
If you want to do a dry lean cycle, then keep test at a low dosage and you won't have to worry about much aromatization on a cycle with low test high tren.. your basically letting the tren do it's job, without having to worry about other issues.
But we can don't worry about aromatization from Test with add AI with higher doses and more Test; more results ( to a certain point of course ).
for me it's because I don't like estrogen I don't like water retention and I feel it messes up mygains on tren. I think I'm proof that you can use tren for bulking I'm not lean I'm not a aestetic I weigh 270 pounds and I'm pretty happy with my look except for my stomach lol

I only take test because i have too its what makes us men libido ect.... tren over powers test and i dont think high doses are needed for my goals. My theory is only take enough to feel good and get your dick hard
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But we can don't worry about aromatization from Test with add AI with higher doses and more Test; more results ( to a certain point of course ).

true we can control E2 with an AI,, but that's one more factor and one more thing to have to control.. and if your dose is off, you can still spike estrogen,, and theres always the possibility of crashing estrogen with an AI too.. so some guys prefer to just remove that factor all together and run a low dose of test.
And then there are those of us who have to keep our TRT doctors happy.

Aside from that I think I get more effect per mg out of the tren.
Trenbolone is a progestin; as such, it can increase prolactin in the right conditions - which causes all sorts of nasty sides. One of those conditions would be elevated estradiol, which obviously comes from the testosterone base. If the test dose is lower, it's often easier to control the amount of unwanted estradiol. This also comes from a time BEFORE we had AIs, so low test was the only real option if you wanted to avoid a floppy dick and lactating tits.

If you pay attention to your bloods and manage estradiol properly - testosterone is fantastic at high doses with tren imo. ;)

My .02c :)
Awesome responses OP. There comes a time when you realize ..or should I say are willing to accept a look, so to speak. Being very skinny natural with a wide shoulder and tiny wrists and waiste I left high school at 160 ish. My brother when he died at 34 was built like Jim Morrison...or Iggy Pop.

I have to take trt. I don t have to weigh 210...but like to...and I break out out to 215..or down to 200 ripped. And I do this with aas, food of course and training smarter. And AS LITTLE GEAR, ai s and liver protection and vitamin s and......geeeez.

Not only does all that cost money but when I run my little blasts and pin m w f plus hcg and if I went high on doses a ai and maybe a progest. anatag....it gets to be work. I am not lazy. I abhore the thought. But I know to weigh and maintain 220 plus recquires not only some more gym time but cooking time, grocery bill, pin s....

Makes my hobby stressful...plus at work I wear lot s of TACTICAL gear and over 210 I sweat like a bitch anyway, can t move and react....

if you do not quit this lifestyle YOU WILL , one day scale back the realistic view of how you wanna look and how complicated u want it to be and much time and effort you want to spend. But I ll never stop.
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