why so much pain


New member
i am on my second cycle .of test 400.from denkall. and deca 300 from denkaall. i mix both together in same dart . i take approx 1 min per mill.
when injecting .the problem is i am still getting a lump on my glute and the pain is nuts.i cant sit down for like 5 days .by the time i can sit down it is time for next injection.i have tried the leg but that did not pan out .i was a gimp for a week.any help on this would be great.please hurry i am sick of standing every where i go(lol)
Basically any vet gear that i've taken i get a lump a day after the injection... best thing i've done to try and prevent it is to #1 inject right after a shower, and #2 massage the spot to try and work in lump, other than that probably the only way to combat it is to use human grade gear... and u could also try ur delts as a spot if ur pain is really to the point of limping around..good luck bro