will being on TEST make me more fertile?


New member
Im about to run test e 625mg/week with eq 800mg/week. Finishing up cycle with anavar 100mg ed last 7-8weeks. Question is will being on 625mg of testosterone enthanate make me more likely to impregnate my wife? We fuck without a condom and I always pull out. But now im worried n skeptical about getting her pregnant while being on that dose....wat u guys think?
R u in fucking high school? Married and pulling out? How fucking pathetic is this thread I want my clicl back


And what spidy said is right. She can still get prego....
R u in fucking high school? Married and pulling out? How fucking pathetic is this thread I want my clicl back


And what spidy said is right. She can still get prego....
Hahaha. I want my click back, too funny!

Just put it in her butt yo.


As a married couple you could, ya know, use birth control such as the IUD which doesn't fuck with her hormones and lets you go all Mt St. Helens in her Pleasure Cave.

My .02c :p
Lmao yall is funny as hell...I kno but she can only get prego when she is ovulating..so I kno which days those are...she was on birth control but I didnt want her on any form of birth control that has sides..anyways the question is..DOES BEING ON SYNTHETIC TESTOSTERONE MAKE U MORE/LESS FERTILE?
Depends on how much u use and how long introduced test shuts down indigenous test production and cuts down your sperm production, but ask any one member here with kids. You can still get the wife pregnant on the juice period. It takes only one. Do not think you wont be able to get the wife prego and do not use aas as birth control thats its not intended use and u will fail.

Good luck and I cant stop laughing.
Lmao yall is funny as hell...I kno but she can only get prego when she is ovulating..so I kno which days those are...she was on birth control but I didnt want her on any form of birth control that has sides..anyways the question is..DOES BEING ON SYNTHETIC TESTOSTERONE MAKE U MORE/LESS FERTILE?

Going by the calendar method and using withdrawal is like playing russian roulette with her vagina. Sure you might get lucky five out of six times, but that sixth shot is a doozy! The answer to your question is that exogenous test REDUCES your FSH which is the chemical signal to your testes to manufacture sperm from your pituitary gland. While you may be making less sperm, as said above - all it takes is ONE little overzealous swimmer to make you a daddy. :p

Just to give some insight on how the numbers are against you: My wife and I practiced birth control (pill/shot/implant) for 15 years and she still got pregnant. That's a .4% chance of fertilization, yet I'm a daddy. That is ONE helluva big .4% ON birth control. Kids are amazing, but unless you are trying to make a baby, I really recommend you look into real birth control - not taking a chance. I understand the wanting to avoid hormones as they can really mess a woman up, which is why we chose the IUD until we decide on a permanent method such as oblation/vasectomy.

Good luck! (literally)
bro, i got my gf pregnant and she is 13 weeks in, so the answer is YES u can still get your gf prego on a cycle, so wrap the shit up if u are not planning on having any future kids
bro, i got my gf pregnant and she is 13 weeks in, so the answer is YES u can still get your gf prego on a cycle, so wrap the shit up if u are not planning on having any future kids

naw bro, your girl be sleeping around, your just the clown whose going to be stuck supporting someone elses baby :) and in the mean time thinking its yours :O
Not sure if you're serious -.-

Steroids will make your body stop producing certain hormones and LOWER your sperm count, the higher the dose and the longer you're on the lower your sperm production will be. It's all part of your bodies attempt to keep your test levels, as well as other hormones, body temp, etc..., at what it believes are "normal" levels. However yes, you can still get your wife pregnant even when you're on cycle.
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