will Cardio take some strength away?


New member
I'm always scared of starting cardio because I'm scared of losing strength! But now is the time I'm starting it again! How do I go about getting Fit but keeping all my strength! surely I can't train like a marathon runner or a 400m runner or a UFC Fighter and keep all my strength I'm confused! HELP NEEDED!
So I take it I'm better of training kinda like a boxer, BTW My goals are to be strong as possible but fit lol you get me? Been training 9 months now hd some decent gains but I'm seriously un fit!
boxers do shit load of cardio specially to make their weight but if u meant rope jumping or the on ring training you're right if you're seriously UNFIT you should check your diet first and for most , lift weight progressively and do cardio by that i mean start by 20 to 30 mn power walk or cycle or elliptical machine ...hope this will help
I used to do Hill Sprints, before the hills we did, short bursts of different things, like setting 4 makers 10 metres apart, sprint to first marker, do 15 press-ups, sprint to 2nd do 15 sprawls then squats then sit ups over and over, and a few extra things for about 30min then we moved on to the hills. I got Fit did it for over 4 months but when it come to the weight lifting I was not seeing any gains! So I stopped the cardio and then I seen some muscle gains. Is there any science behind this? Was I burning muscle? I just don't know, this is why I'm not sure on what cardio to do. (confused)
you gotta always remember what works for someone may not work for you.I like to do 20-30 min cardio after 3-4 day a week after lifting it works for me
doing cardio will not hinder any strength gains. what the fuck does doing intervals of sprints for 20-30 minutes have to do with bench as long as you are getting proper rest and nutrition? simple question, simple answer.
you gotta always remember what works for someone may not work for you.I like to do 20-30 min cardio after 3-4 day a week after lifting it works for me

I would recommend this. Just at bundys abs! Its like a 12 pack!! You will not hinder strength gains with cardio.
doing cardio will not hinder any strength gains. what the fuck does doing intervals of sprints for 20-30 minutes have to do with bench as long as you are getting proper rest and nutrition? simple question, simple answer.

Well it's real funny you say that because when I was doing it I was lacking in the gym liturally no gains what so ever! When I stopped the hill running I got stronger & bigger which was my main goal!
Thanks for your advice! I will be taking up boxing training for a few week to see how things go, I forgot to mention what my reason was for getting fit! I do not want to be a pro body builder or a marathon runner! I just want to get bigger and stronger & fitter for my own peace of mind lol
Well it's real funny you say that because when I was doing it I was lacking in the gym liturally no gains what so ever! When I stopped the hill running I got stronger & bigger which was my main goal!

then you are doing something wrong, every one's body is different so you need to figure out what it was. but riddle me this, why do powerlifters and strongmen do cardio if it hurts strength gains so much? gone are the days of big fat fucking dudes who ate whatever in the pursuit of a big deadlift. most of these guys could pass for bodybuilders in the offseason. my heart rate is elevated the whole time i am lifting, i take short breaks inbetwen sets and exercises, so i look at my gym days as sort of cardio related. i only do actual cardio about once a week. maybe you were just doing too much, or maybe the cardio had absoloutely nothing to do with it, you just thought it did. you ever take deload weeks? is your nutrition good? were you getting enough rest? these are all things to think about
Cardio won't take strength away it can take away energy if you don't make up for it with calories and also make you lose weight.
Here's a good article on the subject I came across when asking the same question. Interval training seems the best way to go to keep the most muscle and get the good cardio in.
"cardio" accelerates the red blood cells -feeding the body faster. Pending your goals like CL mentioned is a "delicate balance"
If your not a power lifter, who cares? Everybody's different but does it really matter all that much if your benching 420 but after shredding yourself you go down to 400.

I've never in my life had a chick give a shit about my bench weight and if you come across one that does you probably won't want to sleep with her anyway.