Epi+ Stano+ Mk2866+ Gw501516 **10 Days In**

I'll definitely be following along! I'm about to pick up some GW from UNI myself...run it alongside mk/s4. I noticed that you'll be running the GW @ 5mg/ED...I've read from certain people on this board that 10mg/ED is the best dose, but then others such as yourself say 5mg/ED is plenty. I would be curious to hear your opinion on this.
I'll definitely be following along! I'm about to pick up some GW from UNI myself...run it alongside mk/s4. I noticed that you'll be running the GW @ 5mg/ED...I've read from certain people on this board that 10mg/ED is the best dose, but then others such as yourself say 5mg/ED is plenty. I would be curious to hear your opinion on this.

This is my first time running Mk and Gw so I'm opting for the lower doses. I do it this way so when I see results with 5mg/day then I can compare them to my results when running @10mg/day in a future cycle...If I see double the results than I will know it's better to run @10, but if I only see a 10% increase in results for double the dose I will know to run @5mg and simply extend the length of the cycle. I don't see the need to start at the high end when you could be wasting a lot of money.

This is how I run supplements because I have confidence in my diet and training and know I can make slow improvements without all these supplements, although they are fun as hell to run and see your body reacting and performing on another level. Sometimes I think people jump to higher doses to cover up weaknesses in training, diet, commitment, etc...that's just how I look at it and why I try to start at the lower end.
This is my first time running Mk and Gw so I'm opting for the lower doses. I do it this way so when I see results with 5mg/day then I can compare them to my results when running @10mg/day in a future cycle...If I see double the results than I will know it's better to run @10, but if I only see a 10% increase in results for double the dose I will know to run @5mg and simply extend the length of the cycle. I don't see the need to start at the high end when you could be wasting a lot of money.

This is how I run supplements because I have confidence in my diet and training and know I can make slow improvements without all these supplements, although they are fun as hell to run and see your body reacting and performing on another level. Sometimes I think people jump to higher doses to cover up weaknesses in training, diet, commitment, etc...that's just how I look at it and why I try to start at the lower end.

Very well said.
My bad I've been slacking on my log!

Last week I moved into my new place and I'm currently back home this weekend to handle some family issues..gotta drive 5hrs back to buffalo tomorrow which will suck

Just wanted to report my strength is still improving. Deadlifted 335 for 6reps today. I have hit a bunch of other PRs aswell, standing press maxed at 160, my last bench was 235 for 5 I believe, squat was 325 for 2 reps

I'm all done with the Epi which was outstanding. I'm on Mk, nolva, and aromasin and feeling amazing. Vascularity is outstanding. Cardio is improving. I haven't been counting cals the past 1-2 weeks because my schedule has been a mess but I have kept it clean.

Pics coming soon!
No worries bro, handle your business! Sounds like everything is going good so far. I actually just got my S4 from UNI in the mail today so I'm pretty stoked to start mine. I just can't decide whether I want to run the Mk/S4 solo or some Hdrol alongside of it. Keep up the hard work!
My bad I've been slacking on my log!

Last week I moved into my new place and I'm currently back home this weekend to handle some family issues..gotta drive 5hrs back to buffalo tomorrow which will suck

Just wanted to report my strength is still improving. Deadlifted 335 for 6reps today. I have hit a bunch of other PRs aswell, standing press maxed at 160, my last bench was 235 for 5 I believe, squat was 325 for 2 reps

I'm all done with the Epi which was outstanding. I'm on Mk, nolva, and aromasin and feeling amazing. Vascularity is outstanding. Cardio is improving. I haven't been counting cals the past 1-2 weeks because my schedule has been a mess but I have kept it clean.

Pics coming soon!

Feel you on this man lol same shit has been happening to me. My workouts haven't been on track and detailed but I'm not gonna let it stop any progress...I'm doing what I can and it seems to be working.

Excited for you to get into that MK more man, I bet your vascularity is going to explode. It's def working for me. I haven't noticed a huge difference in strength but I def feel solid.

Good luck bro
June 7th Workout

Major lift
Standing Press- 145 x 5 (New PR)

Today is my Deadlift day (3rep max) will post results later!

Every lift has been improving throughout this whole cycle which is exactly what I'm looking for. I need to get my calories back down ~2000 cuz I slacked on the diet this past Sunday and Monday (some stressful shit got to me and I used horrible food to make myself feel better lol)...but this cycle is supposed to be a recomp so I'm not all that worried as I have noticed my biceps seem slightly bigger (should have taken before/after measurements). Strength is amazing, cardio is climbing, as soon as I get my diet back to perfect form (and add the Gw) the fat should melt away.. I should've taken picks last Saturday before I binged, I hooked up with my ex and she got worried because my veins in my shoulders and biceps were like a fucking garden hose, she was seriously shocked, it was fucking amazing

I'm really impressed with Mk (dosing at ~20mg/day now), I am noticing strength gains and vascularity more than on 30mg/day of Epi. Also my cardio is improving much more with Mk. Some of this I accredit to taking more rest days in the past couple weeks (Basically when I switch from Epi to Mk) but still so far 20mg/day of Mk > 30mg/day Epi
Seems like everything is so far so good. Gota love it when the ladies "WOW" over the vascularity. Do you plan on going to 25mg ED of MK or do you think you'll stay at 20mg? I'm starting a run of MK/S4 tomorrow, so I'm getting pretty stoked.
Seems like everything is so far so good. Gota love it when the ladies "WOW" over the vascularity. Do you plan on going to 25mg ED of MK or do you think you'll stay at 20mg? I'm starting a run of MK/S4 tomorrow, so I'm getting pretty stoked.

Ya I started dosing the Mk @ ~25mg/day. I got tired of trying to get the measurements perfect lol as long as its between .4 and .5 ml it's all good. Also just started the Gw a couple days ago, will run @5mg/day for 30days for the final weight cut!
Friday May 8th workout

Deadlifts- 3 rep max @360 *PR*
(Last rep was kinda sloppy form and grip was slipping but I pulled it none the less)

Sunday May 10th Workout

Bench Press- Max out day- 200x5reps 230x3reps 260x1rep *PR*

260 is the most I've pushed up and I had near perfect form. I'm confident that if I was pulling singles during all sets I could hit 270-275 for my true max which is 100lbs over my body weight. This is a huge goal I have set for myself and I'm pumped to have finally reached it!

Monday May 11th workout

Squats- 3 rep max @315 *PR* (With near perfect form)

My strength is still climbing and my diet is back in check. I've started the Gw and I'm looking forward to me being one shredded powerful mofo! This entire cycle from the start of Epi till now I have noticed ZERO serious side effects. I had slight trouble sleeping for a couple days but it could have been from anything. Libido is prime, no lethargy, no hair shedding, no emotional sides (From the nolva), I have noticed my joints crack a little more when stretching before lifting (I'm assuming thats from the aroma lowering my estro) but my joints don't ache or anything. This isn't a real AAS cycle but the results (primarily in strength) compared to the sides is impressing me to say the least.
Look at all these fuckin PRs even after the Epi is done.

MK is THE SHIITTTTT. One of my friends is continuing to have strength gains after his first cycle (test c for 12 weeks)...he incorporated MK into his post cycle therapy (pct) after I told him the results I was getting.

Keep killin it bro! The MK is just supplementing your hard ass work.