Will one cycle harm me need help!


New member
Im 18 years old and eagerly got my hands on some dbol and have started taking 30mg a day. Am i too young to be doing steroids will it have long term effect if i just do one cycle as i'm thinking of stopping but unsure if to go though with the cycle or not. Im also want to add test e to my cycle if i go ahead. Will i need to pct if i stop now?
Im 18 years old and eagerly got my hands on some dbol and have started taking 30mg a day. Am i too young to be doing steroids will it have long term effect if i just do one cycle as i'm thinking of stopping but unsure if to go though with the cycle or not. Im also want to add test e to my cycle if i go ahead. Will i need to pct if i stop now?

your 18, way too young think it through.
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Im 18 years old and eagerly got my hands on some dbol and have started taking 30mg a day. Am i too young to be doing steroids will it have long term effect if i just do one cycle as i'm thinking of stopping but unsure if to go though with the cycle or not. Im also want to add test e to my cycle if i go ahead. Will i need to pct if i stop now?

Stop now...
How long were you taking dbol?.

If less than a week, just stop , you'll probably recover fine without pct. 1-2 weeks and pct is probably warranted to get your natty test levels back.
Go kick the dudes ass that hooked up an 18 year old with AAS
Will one cycle harm you? Absolutely! Especially dbol. Running dbol at any age by itself will harm you. You are running into a wall with your eyes closed. I hope your a virgin because if not, your really going to miss getting erections...
Will one cycle harm you? Absolutely! Especially dbol. Running dbol at any age by itself will harm you. You are running into a wall with your eyes closed. I hope your a virgin because if not, your really going to miss getting erections...

Shit...l when I was 18, erections were life
stop and run pct yes, read the beginner and safe use stickies.

your 18, way too young think it through and get your head out of your ass.

Stop now...
How long were you taking dbol?.

If less than a week, just stop , you'll probably recover fine without pct. 1-2 weeks and pct is probably warranted to get your natty test levels back.
Go kick the dudes ass that hooked up an 18 year old with AAS

Will one cycle harm you? Absolutely! Especially dbol. Running dbol at any age by itself will harm you. You are running into a wall with your eyes closed. I hope your a virgin because if not, your really going to miss getting erections...

Holy shit man ^^^^ these posts are all right on. This is the answer you will get because it is the truth and nothing but the truth. There is NO buts.

Ya know I could ask you all these things like how long you been training , and that can't be long enough due to your age etc... But it doesn't matter just read what you are told here.

Start learning how to eat and train and for the next 6,7 years read and study up. AND then if you are still involved with the sport of lifting and BB you could put a cycle together. I can't believe you did this without knowing ANYTHING. As you were told ,

if only a week and maybe a few days juts STOP. If it is longer let us know and we will help coach you out of the woods. and with that there is NO guaranty. Shit man Good Luck
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at 18 years old your test levels are so high that the use of anabolics doesn't make sense.. it will also stun your growth..

why dont you tell us a bit more about yourself?

training history
At work, we call this a "fly-by"!

I bet he keeps eating them until they are gone and is thinking we're all full of shit. He'll blow up with water and think it is muscle. His little buddies will think he's Lou Ferrigno's brother...:dunno:
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