Will SARMs suppress testosterone?


New member
I'm currently taking 10ml lgd. 20ml Gw. 50ml s4. On week 5 now of 8 week cycle. Will I be suppressed when I come off? I've read that it won't. I've read it could. I've read it will. I wanted to get on trt and I was wondering at what point I should go to the dr after finishing SARMs?
sarms cause shutdown to varying degrees. yes do a pct. most that say sarms don't cause any shutdown and are the godsend to the world are usually shills recklessly marketing/pushing sarms for sales and pay...
i wouldn't even use a sarm without test personally... but yes do a PCT.
you can get clomid and tamox from RUI, no need to hassle with doc stuff. used RUI for many years now they are good quality and im sure others can chime in on that.

good luck
It varies based on the SARM (and the other items people lump in with SARMs).

LGD causes complete shutdown at even small amounts. PCT is vital here.
RAD140, OSTA, and S4 cause minor shutdown. I would recommend a PCT because I am paranoid. I have low t and am married to the needle and would rather see you spend a few bucks on a PCT than possibly break yourself.
MK677, GW50, AICAR, SR9009, and YK11 are not technically SARMs (they are lumped in with SARMs since SARMs sellers also sell these) and are not suppressive at all.

The test studies done on humans for LGD said everyone who took the drug fully recovered their test production without any PCT - but I say why risk it? It is better to be safe than sorry, especially when safe is easy and sorry is miserable.
I just noticed you said you WANT to get on TRT...that is one of the more stupid things I have read, and I read Facebook posts daily. You really do not want to be married to the needle, seriously, you do not.

That said, if you suppress yourself on purpose the doctor will know it. When he orders your blood work, he will see that your LH and FSH are both near zero. He will know that you have been taking PEDs (performance enhancing drugs) and most likely will refuse to help you at all. You are probably going to break yourself, on purpose, and then no doctor will fix you.

Please do not do that.
What he said....

Yes those sarms will shut you down, and yes if you go to a doctor in that state it won't end well. Suggest you finish up (you'll know you are done when you feel like total shit, have no energy, and your whole body hurts), PCT, wait a month or so, then go see a doc.

Along the way you can get your own blood tests to see what's going on, pretty cheap and a good idea.