Will someone please check my work for me?

Keeper of Chaos

New member
alright i am getting ready to convert some horomones and just want to double check my work because the amounts i am using are not normal as 5 and 10 grams.

Eq- 10ml @ 400mg/ml
4 grams of powder
7.8ml grapeseed oil
.2ml BA (2%)

Deca-10ml @ 400mg/ml
4 grams of powder
7.8ml grapeseed oil
.2ml BA (2%)

Test Enathate-30ml @ 400mg/ml
12 grams of powder
19.4ml grapeseed
.6ml of BA (2%)

Test Cyp-10ml @ 400mg/ml
4 grams of powder
5.8ml grapeseed oil
.2ml BA
2ml BB

my test enathate and deca are not in liquid form so will the horomone still dilute in as lil ba involved? i made test e 250 and it came out good before with 2%.
Keeper of Chaos said:
alright i am getting ready to convert some horomones and just want to double check my work because the amounts i am using are not normal as 5 and 10 grams.

Eq- 10ml @ 400mg/ml
4 grams of powder
7.8ml grapeseed oil
.2ml BA (2%)
Oil should be about 6.60ml istead of 7.8ml
Deca-10ml @ 400mg/ml
4 grams of powder
7.8ml grapeseed oil
.2ml BA (2%)
Oil should be about 6.60ml istead of 7.8ml
Test Enathate-30ml @ 400mg/ml
12 grams of powder
19.4ml grapeseed
.6ml of BA (2%)
This one is OK
Test Cyp-10ml @ 400mg/ml
4 grams of powder
5.8ml grapeseed oil
.2ml BA
2ml BB
This one is OK if you are planning on a 2/10 BA/BB ratio

my test enathate and deca are not in liquid form so will the horomone still dilute in as lil ba involved? i made test e 250 and it came out good before with 2%.

check my answers above. And yes, the enan and deca will disolve fine once you apply heat and add oil.