will tribulus or horny goat weed help libido?


New member
my sex drive has been near dead since last 12 week of test n prohormone . I started post cycle couple weeks after last pin and since pct 5 weeks into it still currently on with clomid 40mg and nolva 2o mg in this 5 week also taking cycle assit still and trying tribulus if its worth using? ive read bout horney goat weed will increses libido . jus like to get my drive back I use to be sex wild but now having rough time getting hard n staying hard . im few days from finishing pct . what else should I b doing or can do to help?
Save your money. Give it another four weeks and get a blood test, this will tell you if there's a problem or not. You've stopped making testosterone for several months, gotta let that pituitary gland get back to work. ;)

My .02c :)
man this is like 5 of these in as many weeks

Hormonal augmentation rarely has NO effect s on some part of an individual s life during or after the cycle. And when I read mid cycle "life is awesome..I m a god in the gym and in bed". Your sex drive will return quicker if you do not obsees and just let it be...nothing will keep u from performing at normal level s if you stress yourself out. All that negativity is overrunning your GABA s ability to release the chemicals needed to put on a happy face-I am not minimizing here...your pit. gland got hammered. Some recover quicker than others that s all.

You ll be fine in tme.
thanks guys for the info , wish I knew to run a better cycle with an AI or something, and a lot talking bout HCG while on jus so much to know wish I coulda prevented it. guess this is what u get going into something not fully understanding.
thanks guys for the info , wish I knew to run a better cycle with an AI or something, and a lot talking bout HCG while on jus so much to know wish I coulda prevented it. guess this is what u get going into something not fully understanding.

What's important is the ability to learn from our mistakes. I'd wager a great deal of the advice on here comes from those of us that have done it wrong, and learned from it.

Stick around, you'll learn enough to have a far better experience next time. ;)
Are those the sups they sell at the front counter of a gas station. I always wonder what the hell those things are supposed to do. OP just worry about making that next cycle a solid one and you will be better for it.
You'll return to normal - just keep on reading and learning
and just like Teuonic says you can also mentally make it
(pardon the pun) harder to work for you.

Outside of Cialis and Viagra - the only other thing I would
recommend is L-Arginine at a dose of 600mg a day.

The body uses arginine to produce nitric oxide which is needed
for an erection - no nitric oxide... no boner!
This was helpful info, I'm glad I bought like 50 20mg cialis pills where I get my gear, and kaiser gave me some Viagra. That L arginine sounded good and makes sense it was cheap enough.
Cialis - niacin - L-argenine - beet root juice. .. Supplement with those and add in supra physiological testosterone levels -- and you'll still be hard a good 30 mins after F'ing
all good advice here, also try watermelon, saffron, oysters, and make sure to drink lots of water. as far as viewing material, Cambodians with midgets porn does it for me. POW!
my sex drive has been near dead since last 12 week of test n prohormone . I started post cycle couple weeks after last pin and since pct 5 weeks into it still currently on with clomid 40mg and nolva 2o mg in this 5 week also taking cycle assit still and trying tribulus if its worth using? ive read bout horney goat weed will increses libido . jus like to get my drive back I use to be sex wild but now having rough time getting hard n staying hard . im few days from finishing pct . what else should I b doing or can do to help?
is is sex drive or is is erection thats the issue?? not same thing.

for libido I rec peptide: iPT-141

for erection I rec: CIA

RUI has both at good quality. used the CIA many times for the hell of it. good stuff : )
This was helpful info, I'm glad I bought like 50 20mg cialis pills where I get my gear, and kaiser gave me some Viagra. That L arginine sounded good and makes sense it was cheap enough.

If you do try L-Arginine - Google "Swanson" - you can get a 90 count bottle for about $5... My first bottle was from
GNC and cost about $20.

Once I tried it and seen the effect - I now stock up when it's on sale and keep 6-10 bottles on hand and
take about 6-8 caps a day.

L-Arginin with viagra or Cialis and you'll be a monster!
This supplement gets it done for this guy. Heightens sensitivity x2. Cialis lets the blood flow properly, this stuff makes me nut like a porn star
Thanx team! L-arginine, Calais, with Viagra in the reserves haha. Never heard of niacin before though. I'll look it up. So that would take care of my tool functioning properly. However I am very tempted to start a low level TRT. My energy and drive to motivate is just in the dumps now, this past cycle was my first taste of higher T levels. My body may return to normal in time sure. I just miss the heightened energy that comes a little added test A small supplementation to cruise on may be what I need. My T levels have been dwindling for about 6 years. Thanx for all your sharing guys.
Roush, sweet mon, beet root juice aye. Niacin was news to me also, thank you. I'm debating now wether to supplement with some sups or to just do low TRT and see how it effects me. Maybe both haha. Just for the women though haha
Roush, sweet mon, beet root juice aye. Niacin was news to me also, thank you. I'm debating now wether to supplement with some sups or to just do low TRT and see how it effects me. Maybe both haha. Just for the women though haha

I do both.. Works wonders,, I can bang the wife to completion, stay hard, then start banging the GF