winny and HIVES!?


New member
i started Winstrol (winny) about two months ago, but only took it for a few weeks and stopped becuase i was too worried about side effects again. I don't know if the hives i have been getting everyday for the past month is from Winstrol (winny) or not...have you heard of ppl getting hives from this? I took Winstrol (winny) about ayear ago and the only side effects i had were breakouts and a little hair loss, but i am not allergic to anything, and have been to the doctor and theses hives come on every morning, and then go away in a few hours, some are huge and others are dottied:( ANY HELP would be great.
Hey leanmeat, I have not heard of people getting hives from that. Our bodies are ALWAYS changing, however.
Maybe you have developed an allergy to something outside? Are you using any new skin care products? How severe are your hives? Have you done any research to see if anyone else has had this experience?

Sorry I do not have more information for you. I hope you feel better soon!

Hi, I have no clue what is causing them. I get them everyday , some days worse than others. I have always gotten them around my side and back. my mom(a nurse) said because it's on my torso it's internal, so i was thinking Winstrol (winny) changed my hormones , and now im allergic to something. Only thing is there is nothing i can think of that its from. I am so healthy and i have also tried weaning out certain foods it may be, or any pills. and so far nothing has helped. My doctor said it isn't from food, it just happenes, but she also doens't know that i took winny.
Hey leanmeat,

Hmm yeah this is a tough one. I know you do not want to tell your doctor about using Winnstrol, so I would come off it and try something else, but be on nothing for a few months and see if that clears your hives.

Best of luck to you!

I know I got some GP Methan 10 and started getting Hives after about 6 days of being on them. I asked my GF what was wrong and she told to stop taken what ever I was taken haha. I had Hives every where. I try take some claritan to conter act the hives but it didint work at all. Needless to say I had to stop the pill and order a differnt brand. The new Brand works great ,thank God for Z!