winny in peg400


New member
I added Winstrol (winny) to straight peg400 at 50mg/ml. Shook the hell out of it and still had big clumps. So I heated it at 450 degress (since winnys melting point is over 400) until it was clear. It has held good for a week now. Any problems doing this?

I have also heard you can inject peg400. Is that true?

How would I make an oil based injectable winny?
if you had added 2% ba and 15% bb before adding the peg400 you would have Winstrol (winny) holding in solution pain free.

winny melting point is 450f or so.

peg400 is OK to shoot.

the instructs for oil base Winstrol (winny) are on here but the peg400 method is better in my opinion. its a bit thick but warming helps that.