Winny or Var with my rui Clen or Albuterol cutter?


New member
Hi, I am female in mid 20's and about 130 5'6".

I want to use clen or albuterol and an oral while I trim up a bit for summer.
I am trying to decide if i should get Clen or Albute from rui, Which one do you all feel is most effective?
also I am new to steroids and I see var mentioned more often but also winny and I have also noticed it seems winny is not faked often as var?
So my question: var or winny with my 6 week clen or albute run?

Thanks a lot everyone!
Clen is more effective but albuterol is the better tolerated compound. If you usually tolerate stimulants quite well you should be fine with clen. Otherwise might be best to start with albut and if things go well choose clen on your next run.

6 week run? You'll need ketotifen in order to run it that long. Otherwise you need to cycle on/off clen and albut, 2 weeks on/2 weeks off. They stop working after roughly 2 weeks.

I'd go with var over winny. Start with a low dose (~5mg daily) and be sure it's real var. You need to watch out for virilization effects (growing facial hair, deepening of the voice, enlarged clitoris etc.) Do yourself a favour and do a lot of reading into it before starting.

I'd also suggest starting with one new compound at a time.
a side effect,, or also an added benefit, to clenbuterol,, at least for my girl who is currently running it, is better, more, and faster orgasms. instead of 8-10 minutes working up to just one O, its having it in just a few minutes and able to keep going and get off a second one.

sorry if that's a bit off topic, but hey, just stating some of the not often known side effects of a compound you are considering taking :)
I agree with the above. I highly rec you grabbing KEto from RUI for the run. whether you take clen or albut. I used Clen from RUI and it was pretty strong for me. so start low, like 30mcg ed and I HIGHL rec Var over winny ANY DAY! and i would rec the var for 8 weeks IMO
I would pick var and albuterol. Also as was said pick up some ketotifen. Take the ketotifen at night (1mg), before bed as it makes you very tired. This will allow you to keep your dosages reasonably low yet effective and also let you run the albut the entire time you run the var (id say 8 weeks).
Hey Thanks guys for your input. I decided on Clen and Keto + var .
I just put in the rui order so I will start asap.

Do you recommend taking the keto at the same time as the clen or is there a more optimal time for that?
Hey Thanks guys for your input. I decided on Clen and Keto + var .
I just put in the rui order so I will start asap.

Do you recommend taking the keto at the same time as the clen or is there a more optimal time for that?

I would recommend taking keto pre bed and clen early in the day.

whats your cycle layout?
Var. You do not want to mess with wintrol as a woman unless you are deep into the game and about to compete. Var is my favorite compound for a reason.