Winny should I use if I am overweight.


New member
Before the military i was bones 183 6,6 below 8% I did heavy lifting while in, and gained mass with protein and stuffing my face. When I got out and married [sigh] just haven't had time until now where I can go everyday . I put on mad weight. I wanna use Winny to cut and keep some strenght then quit all together at 8w. Is this safe I'm overweight.
Nope. Problem is winstrol along with every steroid shuts down your natural test production. Without any test, you cannot function properly as a man. You need test as a base for every cycle you do.

Second issue is you say you are overweight. You will carry elevated levels of estrogen due to excessive fat. Using test which will convert to estrogen (aromatize), you will have more difficulty managing estrogen.

Your best bet would be to focus on diet. A good diet alone will get you to where you want to be. Add in a good training routine to diet, and you'll be set.

I would suggest getting a good diet coach. 3j is a site sponsor and has plenty of before and after photos of clients. Check out his threads on here. He offers free diet advice as well.
You must have a test base if using winstrol. also it is not reccomended to do gear if overweight, your bf% must be in the mid teens.

What is your diet like now?
....... also it is not reccomended to do gear if overweight, your bf% must be in the teens.....

This is definitely the safest philosophy, but: (series of big IFs)

IF you are old enough and
IF you have bloodwork showing low test and
IF you continue regular BW to monitor estrogen and
IF you have the necessary AI for control

THEN, like me, you may find going on a TRT program makes all the difference in losing weight (as well as so many other life improvements!)

In my case, at age 50-something, having been in the gym for years going nowhere and steadily getting fatter with no appetite control I finally called a *mens clinic*. Yup. Super low test.

Almost immediately my insatiable appetite let up. I hit the gym harder. I started tracking my diet. I gained the inner strength n anger if you will to say to crappy food n drink, ;eff off! I dont want you any more!;

And I dropped over 40 pounds at 2lbs/week. Slow n steady
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whats up brother... steroids are not magical pills that defy the laws of physics and and just make you burn fat.

its 80% diet and training that will get you where you need to go. dont go pushing drugs into your system you know nothing about to reach a goal that you can easily reach without them. losing weight isn't difficult, its the dedication that comes with it that is difficult and the lack of knowledge about setting up a proper diet by the average man. most go into fad diets and start starving themselves.. they go to extremes and it never works out well...

if youd like help setting up a proper diet check out my free diet advice thread in the diet section..

or if you may be inclined to seek professional coaching email me at to inquire about becoming a client.

website: 3J's Nutrition

good luck!