

New member
Hi there, well i want some support in a Winstrol (winny) only cycle that im almost ready to do, ive been investigating steroids usage and their respective sides for a long time, reading and reading, and finally got the conclusion that Winstrol (winny) only cycle wouldnt be a really bad choice for a beginner,
Ive been training for years, natural, im 25 yo 83 kg bf round the 15 16 %
The Winstrol (winny) only cycle would be no more than 6 weeks, but my only doubt is the pct, i was told that running Winstrol (winny) only cycle would increase my libido during the cycle, but doing a proper pct i shouldnt have problems
Also i was told during the Winstrol (winny) to take A-HD SOLID of BPI is a prohormone test booster androgenic/estrogenic modulator ... In this case im not so sure it will recover me in a good way, anyway just want some help of how to do this Winstrol (winny) only cycle with no sides!

Anyone with experience?

Thanks a lot!
a Winstrol (winny) only cycle will still shut down your test production so your going to need to run test with it, and aside from thatif its your firstcycle than you should only run test anyway. JMO goodluck bro
Most people do this mistake cause they think its safe tobuse orals onli cause they scared of the nedle . I know dozen guys who think test is so bad but Winstrol (winny) its cool and they use it cause its oral and easy to use . Big mistake !