Winstrol and Hardcore DIET

Using Winstrol to lose wieght?

  • Yes, with diet and cardio....

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • Dont even bother

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters


New member
Hello my fellow bodybuilders.. Im 20 years old and have been workingout on and off for about 4 years now.. I have been training prertty hard the last couple of months now, but i still have a little bit of fat on me.. I was Wondering, I have about 20 amps of Winstrol sitting in my house... would it be good to get on a hard diet, do alot of cardio and take winstrol to lose some fat...

thanks everyone:)
never do winny alone

Just finished a Winstrol (winny) alone cycle. It sucked! It gives you a little extra definition short term but when you quit it's gone. I have never had acne before and now I have acne like a 14 yr old. Winstrol (winny) is not worth doing.
winny shouldnt cause bloat...
heres posted from the profile page...

Since stanozolol is not capable of converting into estrogen, an anti-estrogen is not necessary when using this steroid, gynecomastia is not a concern even among the most sensitive individuals. Since estrogen is also the cause of water retention, instead of bulk look, Winstrol produces a lean, quality look with no fear of excess subcutaneous fluid retention. This makes it a great steroid to use during cutting cycles, when water and fat retention are a major concern. It is also very popular among athletes in combination strength/speed sports such as Track and Field.

IMO, water retention is rare, and as far as fat loss capabilities go, it will not burn fat whatsoever! It will help show definition and gain lean quality muscle.
Beaner said:
I hated winny! it made me bloated and it does not burn fat!!!!
Doesntn it lemme tell you its good as fuck at helping to maintain mass while you burn fat (my avatar).
I am planning on taking my Winstrol (winny) at the end of my current cutting cycle in an effort to maintain my mass while dropping those last few bf%
Should i just drops some clenbuterol with a good diet and lots of cardio.. im not sure how to take clen.. i heard one pill a day for 8 weeks.. then i hear 2 weeks on 2 weeks off