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New member
whats up body builders i have winni illium stanazolic and i cannot take the shots i want to know if i can take it orally but not just only oral i want to know if u guys can tell me how often to take it 1cc every other day or 1/2cc twice daily everyday weekends off or 1cc everyday including weekends?? remeber i cant inject it so i can only squirt it in my mouth and swallow it. if u guys can help me i would really appreciate it.
I assume it is 50 mg/ just take 1 cc/ml every day.

I am also going to move this thread to the main board.
I read somewhere if you take it oral you will lose aprox 20% of the effect. But yes....ED is better, this because the half-life is so short.
Do it twice a day, even on weekend otherwise your blood levels are going to go up and down too much.
I would not do it for more than 5 weeks. And using some liver protection (I use N-acetylcisteine).
Since we are talking about Winstrol (winny), how much do most of you guys pay for 50 mg of Winstrol (winny). What is the price difference between tabs and injectables?
cohonudo said:
can u drink the same day u use juice?

Winny IS juice. I think I do not understand your question. If the question is that simple, the answer is YES, bro.
Batman said:
Winny IS juice. I think I do not understand your question. If the question is that simple, the answer is YES, bro.

I dont think you understood the question Batman.

No, you should NOT drink alcohol at all when you are using roids.
cohonudo said:
whats up body builders i have winni illium stanazolic and i cannot take the shots i want to know if i can take it orally but not just only oral i want to know if u guys can tell me how often to take it 1cc every other day or 1/2cc twice daily everyday weekends off or 1cc everyday including weekends?? remeber i cant inject it so i can only squirt it in my mouth and swallow it. if u guys can help me i would really appreciate it.

So, you've decided to go ahead and crank away, huh cohonudo? I know we've discussed this before, both in another thread and privately, but I'm compelled again, 16 is MUCH too young to start Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) usage. I have to say that you will most likely do more harm than good to your body. I really hope you reconsider bro. :confused:
Hold on here , you are only 16 years old. You are WAY TOO YOUNG to even be thinking of using AAS, plus you are only 145 lbs. You have REALLY got to reconsider this !!

REALLY STUPID going in to roids at that can build a lot without the use of roids. Escially if you are at 145lbs.

the reason i decided to take it is because i want to be a pro body builder in competitions but the roid is just water based it shouldnt be so bad or harmful to me.
Re: winni

cohonudo said:
the reason i decided to take it is because i want to be a pro body builder in competitions but the roid is just water based it shouldnt be so bad or harmful to me.

Sorry but you could not be more wrong.......winny is 17aa, whether suspended in water or not. You have a lot of learning to do, my young friend.

You are bound on a path of self destruction and NO ONE here should give you any more advice about roids, you are a fucking minor for Christ's sake. I am off to check the legal ramification of giving this kind of advice to a minor as well as whether you should even be allowed on the board period. Don't be very surprised if you find you and your IP addy BANNED shortly.
So you wanna be a pro bodybuilder. That's interesting, because starting roid at 16 is probably the worst start for it since your body is not ready for roids.
If you want to destroy your body together with your chances of becoming one day a pro, go on this way!
You are taking this game in a stupid way, bro, if you say things like "water based" roid so not harmful. You don't know what you are talking about, unfortunately for you.
Re: Re: winni

StoneColdNTO said:
Sorry but you could not be more wrong.......winny is 17aa, whether suspended in water or not. You have a lot of learning to do, my young friend.

You are bound on a path of self destruction and NO ONE here should give you any more advice about roids, you are a fucking minor for Christ's sake. I am off to check the legal ramification of giving this kind of advice to a minor as well as whether you should even be allowed on the board period. Don't be very surprised if you find you and your IP addy BANNED shortly.

Hey StoneCold, glad you are checking legals. But, if it is ok for him to be on here (I'll be suprised if this is so), at least he has access to the proper research that will hopefully convince him of the very REAL dangers he is posing on himself, not to mention all the input of seasoned vets. Dunno, just a thought.

Coho, not talking as though you aren't here but based on that last statement, you've obviously got quite a bit more research to do. If you are truly serious about wanting to be a pro BB, you MUST get all the facts straight and understand the implications and consequences of your actions; otherwise, you will never reach your goal and find yourself on a much different life path than you had envisioned for yourself. The folks here are not trying to keep you from achieving what you want but actually HELPING you with information that will get you there. Take it to heart!
I am locking this.

Yes, this is the internet, but we have to take you at your word that you are 16 years old, even though you claimed you were older to get on this board. And because of that, the members of this board need to stop publicly advising you on what to do. What the members do on their own time is their own business, but here on the board we have to be careful.

If you want to discuss something privately, take it to emails, but it is too dangerous to this board to allow this kind of discussion with a minor.

This is a fine line we walk, especially considering gear is illegal for most of the guys posting here. But to be discussing these things with a minor is pure recklessness.
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