Winter's New Pics

approx 16%, maybe. BTW, your bicep peak has little to do with your training. Bicep peak is more of a genetic thing.
spyder1 said:
approx 16%, maybe. BTW, your bicep peak has little to do with your training. Bicep peak is more of a genetic thing.
Yeah, I know, but I just wish I had one :roll:
you are not 16% bf by any means. Bro you look good and yuor arms look great. Good back...all the bumps are looking great. The legs look thick as well.

Oh and what the hell are you feeding yuor traps lol
dang winter you look good bro. arms shoulders traps chest legs all look nice. you got a good shape to you. i am glad you posted these pics because we can see all your hard work is paying off. i think your legs will be crazy in another year bro. be patient, your bi peak will improve over time. arms still look very good winter.

you are below 16%imo..maybe around 12-13% but i am not good at bf% guessing.

oh and i know you said you were through cutting but dang you are almost there bro. another couple months and i think you would have some serious abage showing.
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mister69 said:
you are not 16% bf by any means. Bro you look good and yuor arms look great. Good back...all the bumps are looking great. The legs look thick as well.

Oh and what the hell are you feeding yuor traps lol
Thanks :) I think I have to hammer at my lats some more - I think that's where my back is lacking the most.

tman55 said:
dang winter you look good bro. arms shoulders traps chest legs all look nice. you got a good shape to you. i am glad you posted these pics because we can see all your hard work is paying off. i think your legs will be crazy in another year bro. be patient, your bi peak will improve over time. arms still look very good winter.

you are below 16%imo..maybe around 12-13% but i am not good at bf% guessing.

oh and i know you said you were through cutting but dang you are almost there bro. another couple months and i think you would have some serious abage showing.
Thanks big guy :) I think I have to hammer at my chest a bit more too, its lagging the most outa my entire body, I think.

I'm still cutting, sorta, as of right now. I still do my cardio/abs, but my diet has been kinda off the past week or so, so I've put on a bit more mass - either good or bad. I'm thinking about continuing to cut because I have a lot more parties to go to & I gotta look good for them ladies :naughty:
wow... i have like the exact same quads as you... i mean like identical... yea i agree you look good man... strong!
Finally pics update winter!

What a big progress since last post! Looking a lot leaner. You're doing a good job. Keep it up.
great improvemnets Winter looking big and thick fo' sho'..wheels look strong. and i agree with you your lats need a lil more work but hey be patient it'll come eventually.
Wow bro, the progress you've made since the last pics you posted is crazy Winter. You can definately tell your training and diet have been dead on the last few months. Great work big man!!! My guess is ~13-14%. Quads are thick dude.
luquillo78 said:
Finally pics update winter!

What a big progress since last post! Looking a lot leaner. You're doing a good job. Keep it up.
Thanks man. :)

adidamps2 said:
great improvemnets Winter looking big and thick fo' sho'..wheels look strong. and i agree with you your lats need a lil more work but hey be patient it'll come eventually.
Thanks. I will hammer my lats like no other starting soon for sure. I want WINGS! :roll:

JT190 said:
Wow bro, the progress you've made since the last pics you posted is crazy Winter. You can definately tell your training and diet have been dead on the last few months. Great work big man!!! My guess is ~13-14%. Quads are thick dude.
Yeah, I recently started getting more motivation after seeing some pics around here. As far as the dieting is going, it has been slacking a bit, but it will tighten up in the near future :) Thanks.