Wk 4 Test P / Masterone



Age 42
wt 210

wk 4 test p and masterone 100mg EOD..front loaded the first 5 dys (ED)Running it for 4 more wks..
dropped 7 lbs and hardened up some...pumps are freaking awesome at the gym...still not satisfied..Hate to use age as an excuse(i know theres older dudes here than me) but harder than hell to truly cut up like when i was in my 20,s..some decent striations and vascularity in chest and shoulders(hard to tell) still thick waisted/def need to work there ...
diet is solid...2500 cals a day between 5 meals and 3 protien drinks..sunday is my cheat like hell day...sorry man i love pizza..
work outs 2 on / 1 off / 1 on / 1 off
i know,i know no wheels..
alright guys/gals...LATER
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You look great there JMEALS. The vascularity is coming through great. Keep up the awesome work. I hope I look that great at 42yrs young.
try some melanotan. i started using it and my red look went away. Ive never been tan in my life and now im so dark that i get comments on it, since it looks unusually to my freinds, i also have light eyes so it looks like a tan and not my nationality.

any way u look really good. for 42 i hope to look like that and have even close to that much hair on my head.
simpllyhuge said:
try some melanotan. i started using it and my red look went away. Ive never been tan in my life and now im so dark that i get comments on it, since it looks unusually to my freinds, i also have light eyes so it looks like a tan and not my nationality.

any way u look really good. for 42 i hope to look like that and have even close to that much hair on my head.

bro,whats this melanotan? injectable? never heard of it...
simpllyhuge said:
i posted pics of me with a tan on another thread. ive seen it on research site for pretty cheap.

bro,just picked up 50 mg (5....10mg vials)of the stuff..ill give it a shot,see how it goes.. hopefully cut down on the tanning bed hours..thanks
yeah, i hope u didnt pay out the ass for it, cause some research sites charge like triple.

i took a 1mg every night but it gives me head aches when i work out when i use that much. Give it a try thou u might have to go lower.
simpllyhuge said:
yeah, i hope u didnt pay out the ass for it, cause some research sites charge like triple.

i took a 1mg every night but it gives me head aches when i work out when i use that much. Give it a try thou u might have to go lower.

nah bro,paid $220 for the 50 mg...been taking 1.8mg a night...after 30mg ill cut down to .75mg every other day..the shit kicks ass..tanner than a mother..the nausea sides blow,but other than that no prob....
yeah i notice i get really bad head aches while doing sets. i dropped the dose to like .25 mg a day after i loaded but dont know if ill still keep getting darker like that. Im also not sure how long its suppost to last once mixed with bac water.

but this shit will defianlty keep ur skin lookin young cause one it protects it and two u dont need to tan at all or as much.
Jmeals how was the cycle of the prop and masterone I getting 2 10ml bottles want to know if I should get 3rd bottle and run for a lon g time at lower doses or run at high doses for short time. I am 30yrs old...
You look great for your age bro Ithought you were 28 :)
gymlion77 said:
Jmeals how was the cycle of the prop and masterone I getting 2 10ml bottles want to know if I should get 3rd bottle and run for a lon g time at lower doses or run at high doses for short time. I am 30yrs old...
You look great for your age bro Ithought you were 28 :)

This thread was from last march but im sure i ran the mast 100mg eod and added in sone oral Winstrol (winny) 50mg ED for the last six weeks ..will make you hard as pavement..