woman and t3


New member
ive been using t3 for some time now on and off.
also on cycle and off cycle.
does t3 effect a woman in different ways to men?
i was thinking of suggesting t3 to my wife who has just given birth again to give her a little helping hand in getting back to her slender toned self
i take 25mg off cycle and 75mg when on cycle and it just helps keep me a little leaner. any advice for woman dosage and other?
plus would it effect her breasts??

First off, she just gave birth? How long ago? She needs to diet and excercise to get back to her toned slender self after giving birth, not take T3.

Is she nursing? Is that what you mean by asking if it will affect breasts? Please tell me you're not seriously considering giving her t3 if she's nursing.

It takes time for a woman's body to recover/return to "normal" after having kids. Time, diet, excercise, rest. That's the best thing for your wife.
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First off, she just gave birth? How long ago? She needs to diet and excercise to get back to her toned slender self after giving birth, not take T3.

Is she nursing? Is that you mean by asking if it will affect breasts? Please tell me you're not seriously considering giving her t3 if she's nursing.

I like this lady^^^^
I would like to declair my self the official Ology BREAST MILK TESTER!

Someone has to look out for the future generation!

K, well I still stand by the diet, training, rest, time. Not T3

So what are you asking about her breasts?
obviusly for a guy off cycle t3 would start tol effect the muscle if on a low cal diet.
would a females breast tissue decrease ?
Breasts are fat for the most part, with the exception of the glands for lactating. The lowet she gets in body fat, the smaller her boobs will get. T3 won't have a direct impact on her breast size, but a reduction in body fat will.
"Women are much more likely to experience negative side effects with Cytomel T3 than men are. Therefore, it is not typically recommended for use by women."

Interesting. This is news to me. What kinds od sides do women have?
3 months ago
no shes finished breast feeding.

She gave birth 3 months ago!???? She just needs diet and exercise right now! Number 1- her hormones are not going to be completely balanced for AT LEAST a yr after giving birth, sometimes longer, so I would not recommend putting her on anything right now! You should really research the side effects of T3 before giving it to her and ONLY after proper diet, training and researching. After proper diet and training, I bet she doesn't even need it. My God, man, I am sure some of her weight is her uterus still being slightly swollen. Give her some time to get her body recouped.
She gave birth 3 months ago!???? She just needs diet and exercise right now! Number 1- her hormones are not going to be completely balanced for AT LEAST a yr after giving birth, sometimes longer, so I would not recommend putting her on anything right now! You should really research the side effects of T3 before giving it to her and ONLY after proper diet, training and researching. After proper diet and training, I bet she doesn't even need it. My God, man, I am sure some of her weight is her uterus still being slightly swollen. Give her some time to get her body recouped.
its her self who is in the rush to trim back down , i think shes beautiful rergardless.
she knows my sources and i wouldnt want her getting something she knows nothing about. so thats why i am trying to research a little more for her benifit not mine ..