Yes Frenchy high estrogen levels does promote fat gain, high estrogen levels in both woemen & men can do this. Estrogen is not "bad" but when there's too much in the body it's when problems start.
Diet does help like Detour & Jezebel mentioned...
U want to eat plenty of veggies, Omega 3, fatty fish and staying away from canola, margarine.. Now days it's hard to eat "hormone & chemical free" food, meats.. unless u go organic...
As far as taking anything, I would also suggest u get yoru blood tested,
u really don't want to mess with your hormones without knowing for sure.. Some women take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while on cycle to help with the water bloat, etc..& to help stop certain hormones from turning into estrogen, so this lowers the amount of estrogen in the body.
Keep in mind that an AI's are really meant to treat postmenopausal women with a certain type of breast cancer, I tell u because my mom was prescribed an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) when she had breast cancer.
It doesn't really work the same for premenopausal women since it doesn't stop the estrogen your ovaries from making it, this is why is given to postmenopausal women since their ovaries are no longer producing estrogen.