Women with Test experience..


New member
Wife was diagnoised with very low test. She did an inject to 1/2 ml cyp 100mg last Tues and is complaining of bloat. Should we have done prop instead? If so what would be a good dosage for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), and should she use ldex or aromasin?
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i'll wait for someone else on this one, as i have no experience or opinion on this issue. i'll get on some research and see. but form what i've heard, the faster-acting prop os a better choice with less chance of virilization...
100mg of testosterone is what many guys on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) use and it will certainly increase her serum testosterone to levels far above the normal range for women.

I recommend that she discontinue treatment and get an opinion from another physician.
Generally women that suffer from low test levels will be given an androgen replacement cream or a patch, such as androgel or androderm. This way the test levels are easily controlled because of the fast acting nature of transdermal testosterone. Also there is no need for constant injections, therefore the HRT is very comfortable and safe. Like I said, that is typically what a doctor will give a female if she needs extra test in her system. Unless she is looking to build muscle testosterone injections are a bad idea. Besides that women should never use long test esters like cypionate, enanthate, or deconate like in sustanon. There is just too much risk with virilization. Hope that helped.
polish_P said:
Generally women that suffer from low test levels will be given an androgen replacement cream or a patch, such as androgel or androderm. This way the test levels are easily controlled because of the fast acting nature of transdermal testosterone. Also there is no need for constant injections, therefore the HRT is very comfortable and safe. Like I said, that is typically what a doctor will give a female if she needs extra test in her system. Unless she is looking to build muscle testosterone injections are a bad idea. Besides that women should never use long test esters like cypionate, enanthate, or deconate like in sustanon. There is just too much risk with virilization. Hope that helped.
Well, we have been to countless endos and drs. She tried the test cream and it didn't work.
mick-g said:
Well, we have been to countless endos and drs. She tried the test cream and it didn't work.
What didn't work? Testosterone cream surely increased her serum testosterone. If that didn't work, then maybe serum testosterone isn't the problem.

If she suffers virilization, then she is likely stuck with it. No reverting.
She doesn't have virilzation. The test creams? idon't know they didn't give her any results. Maybe they didn't get into her bloodstream. We are going to go with very low mgs, so i don't see that happening. If we use prop, it will only be 20mg once or twice ew.
LOL! Here we are again<g>. Just for general information - hrt test and cycle test are different objectives. I've been doing 20 mg test cyp subcu injections 2x week for six weeks now as part of a general hrt program; I started with 15 mg for the first week . I'm having no sides at all, save for increased energy and libido - the creams and patches don't work very well, very little actually reaches the bloodstream. I researched this extensively, but there is very little available information and almost no research on women's testosterone replacement - most women don't even know they need or can get test supplementation, and doctors don't suggest it. Dr. Elizabeth Vliet has some very good books on women and testosterone, and women's hormones, but even she doesn't say much about injection.

Hope this helped.........

Ok D'Arcy we will do the 15-20mg sub-q and see what happens. Maybe i just injected her with too much the first time. Thanks!
For her size I wouldn't start with more than 15mg at least for the first week. I'm 5'6", 160 and I'm doing 20mg 2x week.

mick-g said:
Ok D'Arcy we will do the 15-20mg sub-q and see what happens. Maybe i just injected her with too much the first time. Thanks!
Ok. I was wondering...are you using 1cc syringes and what guage pin, cause the slin syringes have 29guage pins on them and it would be hard to drawup cyp with it.
I thing a lower dose of the prop would be ideal for BB results I am sure if everything else is in place then this would should drastic changes in about 2weeks. 15-20 mg wk with the prop test. This again should be more than enough to show good BB results with ^ in energy, ^ in strength, ^ in overall mood, ^ in sex drive, with the short acting ester water weight should be easily controled with OTC diuretics.

My 2cc's
At a competitive level women who use test tend to stick to Propionate at 50mg/week. So you may wish to go under this level to begin with and monitor results.
me and my workout parter (lady) used a small dose of test cyp and it turned of to be a bad idea she is a singer and it total screwed up her voice. she did it a little longer than me like 12 wks. i only did like 3 and noiced my voice changing so i quit. i changed to Anavar (var) and it was much better. just check and see what is good for women. i should had read a little more myself.