wondering if all deca is oil based or if it comes water base too


New member
question is is all deca oil based. im taking test and wanna add deca in same inject. thought all deca was oil based but came accross someone saying they had water based.
question is is all deca oil based. im taking test and wanna add deca in same inject. thought all deca was oil based but came accross someone saying they had water based.
For a water base:
Nandrolone, yes. Nandrolone decanoate, no.

You can mix the two without any issues. If it's water based, it will either be ester-less, or be called aqueous. Even if one were water based, they can still be mixed just fine in a syringe. :)
It's just kind of rare. Nandrolone base is like testosterone suspension or tren base - a straight shot of ester less hormone. I never ponied up the cash to try it as I'm always on deca, but it's out there. :)
Why would anyone want the water based version? Half life isn't that long to begin with, eliminate the esters and you'll be pinning so often you could just get an IV.
Why would anyone want the water based version? Half life isn't that long to begin with, eliminate the esters and you'll be pinning so often you could just get an IV.

Most esterless versions are intended as a preworkout type addition. TNE on a heavy leg or chest day? Ohhh yes.

Nandrolone seems kind of weird, but as it's quite anabolic, and aromatizes less than test, but doesn't have the super harsh potential sides of tren, I can see it making its way in some circles. :)
Hi guys. I am on test E 200mg per week split into two injections. Have Nadrolone which I understand is Ester.ess (it kinda looks like water so am sure there is. I oil in the vial). The Nadolone is 200mg

Question. Do you think it***8217;s safe to backload my Test E syringe with the eaterless Nadrolone ? So far I ya e been doing double shots twice a week meaning four injections. Kind of a pain literally. So mixing the two wold bring me down to two shots per week. Also I ya e been injecting 200 mg of Test E and 200mg of Nadrolone per week***8212;- reading everything it gets confusing if I need to keep the test higher or if it***8217;s that important with such a low dose. I can***8217;t in tease the mount of get e per week cause when I was on 450-500 mg of Test E my testosterone was ove 2,000 which kinda scared me. Now it***8217;s at 950-1,000 on 200mg of test E per week. Just not sure about making the Deca as it is has no oil. Any ideas ? Thanks
I doubt your nandrolone is water based no ester, that's rare as hen's teeth. And just supposing it was, doubt you'd be able to achieve 200 mg/ml.

No problem mixing the two together, assuming they are both oil based, to cut your shots in half.

It is probably fine too to mix oil and water based, I've done it before with HCG and it makes a bit of a mess in the syringe but it all ends up inside you. I choose not to do it, so don't take this as me endorsing it - just that I have done it in the past and it seemed to work ok. My general practice is water based subQ and oil based IM.

At any rate, try it for a shot and you'll find out right away if your nadrolone is water based or not.