Wondering when to do blood testing?


New member
Hey everyone wanted to grab your opinion on doing bloods. Im doing test e4d and need to get bloods done and was wondering when the best time would be to go have it done? The day after pinning? Morning, afternoons, ect?? I always get good advice here, thanks in advance!
As far as I know time of day only matters with natty levels.
Why are you getting bloods done? That will determine when you pull them.
to see where test and est are sitting. feel like est may be creeping up so want to know where im at with everything, trying to play it smart
For those 2 when on cycle ur off the scale anyway so...whenever is best for you would my guess.
If looking for cholest, hdl s ldl s and so forth a 12 hour fast is called for to est. ACTUAL S AND NOT , the previous day s feed s at the trough.

Is that you in avi ? I only ask as in my former life as a double ought School crossing guard I d have tazed you 1 st, then told you to freeze, lol !
no idea what most of that means but yeah.. if est is high then ive got adex to run to bring down some, always good to know where you are on everything. knowing other values is good too.