Work out diet for vegeterians


I can GUIDE.....
20 tips for the vegetarian body builder
1. Get sufficient calories
The very first thing a vegetarian bodybuilder must do is ensure that he is getting enough calories. If you don't take in enough calories regularly, your body is more likely to turn to incoming protein for fuel and you very well notice a deficit forming of your body.

2. Intake of fruits and vegetables
Ensure that your intake of fruits and vegetables are high. These supply you with a high source of nutrients as well as the antioxidant protection to keep the immune system strong.

3. Chickpeas and legumes
Vegetarians who are looking to building muscles have to have a high intake of chickpeas and legumes. This is a good low-fat option of carbohydrates and makes a great snack before a workout.

4. Replace the rice with quinoa
If you like to eat brown or white rice, replace that with quinoa, which tastes much like a combination of the brown rice and oatmeal. It is overall high in protein whereas the brown rice is not. This is important for the muscle building in the body.

5. Egg white or soy-protein powder
Egg protein powders are very helpful and if you are a complete vegetarian then replace it with the soy-protein powder. This will help you to boost your protein intake when you need them. They are a must in your daily diet.

6. No processed food
One great mistake we do is relying on processed food. Eating healthy and natural is the best way to maintain a healthy body. A combination of whole grains, fruits, vegetables and nuts are great for the health, there is no need for processed food.

7. Keep workouts short and intense
As a vegetarian you should opt for short and intense work-out sessions. This will prevent you from muscle mass loss.

8. Vary your food choices
As a vegetarian, it is easy to gravitate towards the same foods over and over again. Try to prevent this and go for a variety so that it is easier as well as interesting to abide by a good and healthy diet.

9. Tempeh
Tempeh is a high source of protein for all vegetarians. Many prefer this to tofu which is another high protein option.

10. Consider going lacto-ovo vegetarian
Going lacto-ovo vegetarian is a personal choice and a personal belief. This means that you will include both eggs and dairy products in your diet. This will boost your protein options as well as make you life for bodybuilding easier.

11. Utilize Nuts for Fuel
Another great food are the nuts. They are a healthy source of fat and will provide high energy as well. One handful will boost your calorie intake and make muscle gain much easier.

12. Take plenty of flaxseed, flaxseed oil and walnuts

For a vegetarian, the essential fatty acids have to be flaxseed, flaxseed oil and walnuts since you cannot consume fatty fish or fish oils. These will act as your must-have nutrients.

13. Peanut butter
A good way to boost the fat content is to start eating peanut butter with as many foods you can. This will allow maximum calorie intake which is important for muscle building. You can smear peanut butter onto bananas, apples, or add it to oatmeal.

14. Iron supplementation

One nutrient that you may fall short in without eating any red meat is the iron. Iron is mainly responsible for good red blood cell building. If your red blood cells are low you will be fatiguing a lot faster in your workouts also. If you are a pure vegetarian consider adding an iron supplement to your day.

15. Broccoli and spinach intake

Broccoli and spinach are both high in calcium. This nutrient is great for bones and teeth and can be a great calcium supplement to the body.

16. Don’t let others get you down

If you want to pack on the muscle, concentrate and do your own thing and stay in a healthy frame of mind. The negative influence from people is definitely not going to help you succeed.

17. Eat more often

Eat more often throughout the day. You protein intake will be lower compared to a non-vegetarian but by getting more frequent meals you will ensure to have a steady stream of amino acids going into your muscle tissues.

18. Monitor the body fat levels
One thing that vegetarian bodybuilders are worried about is the muscle mass loss hence you have to be sure that you're regularly monitoring your body fat levels to get a better indication if you are losing muscle mass so that action can be taken to prevent this.

19. Supplement with branched chain amino acids
The branched chain amino acid is an important supplement. You should take this before and after the workout to safeguard against muscle loss.

20. Stay positive
Finally, it is important to stay mature and positive through the entire program. If you are working positively towards your goals, it will be easier to get the results you are seeking.
nice post, im a vegetarian, was told wtf youll lose all your muscle, and nada.....i eat alot of calories tho, alot of shakes with peanut butter, alot of carbs to preserve the protein i do get, and so far so bonus is when you replace meat with soy meat and/or tofu, they are much less calorie dense, and almost no fat.....only nuts and such are important to replace the fats, add are a good way to add calorie dense proteins

nice post!
nice post, im a vegetarian, was told wtf youll lose all your muscle, and nada.....i eat alot of calories tho, alot of shakes with peanut butter, alot of carbs to preserve the protein i do get, and so far so bonus is when you replace meat with soy meat and/or tofu, they are much less calorie dense, and almost no fat.....only nuts and such are important to replace the fats, add are a good way to add calorie dense proteins

nice post!

I applaud you for your dedication. I could never not eat meat.
A well thought out and informative post. This will be of intrinsic value to vegetarian board members.

Personally of course I will continue to scarf down charred flesh.
I applaud you for your dedication. I could never not eat meat.

meh, its a life choice, no dedication or say it takes more dedication for you (me too) to go to the gym after work and bend over a plate loaded bar and dead lift when all the other skinny guys are working their arms in the mirror (most likely the last 1 1/2hr)...thats dedication, eating for your muscles day in and most days out (we all cheat) whether its soy or a steak, same gf bugs me to get her fat burners, then 2wks in tells me they dont work cause obviously she forgets to use them 2xday or every morning guys that down fish oil,creatine,multi,zma, then on cycle policanasol,liv52,hawthorn,saw pal.....ect.....thats dedication lol

****nice lat spread branch!
One word: Hummus

As suggested by step three. It's delicous and nutritous. And is super easy and cheap to make. Also I'd add Kale to that list, particularly #15.
Great insight Mark. Been a vegetarian all my life, hard to get all the required protein if one sticks to lentils and beans only. But with a well balanced diet (addition of whey/cheese/milk) one can pretty much get all that is required into order to grow as a BB.

"9. Tempeh"
Didn't know about this option. Always opted for tofu. Will certainly have a look.
GREAT POST!! ima veggie also! yet bigger then most i see at gym. i was always told ill die, wither away bla bla bla well im bigger now then ever before and havent ate meat in like 7-8 yrs! :) its nice ot rub it in there faces now lol.
I'm still new to working out, and building muscle in general...

But I figured I'd chime in here and say that I'm a vegitarian as well. (lacto/ovo)

Nice to see a few of us kicking around in here. Also good informative post to the OP!
What my vegetarian diet looks like

What my diet typically looks like on a daily basis in "my cycle forum", as i track my progress.
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What my diet typically looks like on a daily basis in "my cycle forum", as i track my progress.

nice......its cool to get an idea of what other guys in my shoes are eating.

i heard the same BS, you cant grow without the meat, soy is bad for you, ect up to 225lbs these days, and im short (5'8) like you, havent eaten any meat in almost 4yrs (smell of red meat cooking kills me now)

one thing i really use alot is peanut butter, i can go through a jar of natty pb in less than a week

***i like tempeh over tofu
havent eaten any meat in almost 4yrs

I have been vegetarian all my life. If properly balanced not hard to do for some of us vegetarian weightlifters & bodybuilders.

In the past, i have read about some fear mongering in the televised and print media over eating too many soy products. I think the fears are overblown as they relate to men and elevated levels of estrogen - by the heavily subsidized diary/meat industry. The positive benefits of soy products are plenty and pronounced as they relate to our well-being .
You may try the following for post workout meal (lunch in your case):
1. Skimmed milk, almonds, dates, wheat bread, seasonal veggies and fruits
2. If you're okay with eggs, have 2 egg whites, wheat bread, veggies and soup
3. Tofu with some seasonal fruits or veggies and dates
4. Yogurt, Honey and Banana

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This should be a STICKY in the diet section of the forum for all the vegetarian bodybuilders & hopefuls.
Straight up...
Lacto Vegetarian here. I always get a kick out of people wondering how I manage to be over 250lbs by being a vegetarian. I eat a lot of cottage cheese and raw salads that's how! I tend to stay away from tofu or soy products as they can imitate estrogen which is not bad if your using too much arimidex. I eat a lot of fresh raw veggies from local farmers (the stuff in malls has only about 40% of the nutrition if your lucky and are a week old when it gets there).
Really happy to find this. I'm not real hardcore vegan or anything but I can do without dead food. Thanks again for the resource.
Meal 1:
1.5 cups oatmeal
Protein shake with 1 serving of Plant Fusion, 1 cup soymilk, 1 banana

Meal 2:
1/2 block of extra firm tofu, scrambled with spinach and peppers
1 grapefruit
1 almond butter sandwich: 2 slices of whole grain bread, 2 tbsp almond butter

Meal 3:
Black bean chili with 1 can black beans, 1/2 pack seitan, and veggies
1 baked sweet potato
1/4 avocado

Meal 4 (post workout):
1 apple
Protein shake with 1.5 scoops SunWarrior protein, 1 cup soymilk, 1 banana

Meal 5:
1 large spinach salad
1/2 cup lentils, cooked with veggies and spices over 1/2 cup brown rice
1/2 pound steamed broccoli

Meal 6:
2 tbsp almond butter spread on celery sticks

Approximate totals for the day:
3384 calories, 207g protein, 512g carbs, 75g fat

This diet plan is for bodybuilder who weighs around 200lbs.
Hope this post will be beneficial to them