Worried about something of recent. (taking Depo Testosterone)


New member
its been just a lil over a month since my Doctor put me on 200mg Depo Testosterone injections (i've had 5 injections since my first post about a month ago. ) reading another topic something its going to take about 30~32 days for results that should show if its helping my natural production normalize out

i do not have my last appointment's results w/ me (starting to hate the fact he's covered by McLaren Macomb as it makes it a PITA to get my medical Records online. ) an di have an appointment to see him about a cough on the 12.

now when he prescribed me this towards the buttend of Feb, that i should look out and be peeled for anything that isnt right/is alarming. well about 2 weeks agoi came down w/ a cold and thought " No biggy i get a cold once a handfull of years" and toughed it out its only been the last 3 days i've been free of the raggedy rundown feeling and the "Snotty" phase but a cough's Persisted and all of yesterday its been Painfull to sneeze or cough. like "nononono dont sneeze/cough nono *happens* Oww " and has been somewhat linked to a "pressure" around late-evening i feel in the left side (middle of my stomach closer to my chest or "Moobs" as i'm on the large side and a tad overweight.) and worried this is in anyway related. as about the time i started having cold symptoms i might of semi botched an injection as it was more painfull than all i've had sofar. (maybe i didn't wait for rubbing alcohol to completely dry up after swabbing for 30 seconds [i use 75% Rubbing alcohol "Saturated" pads by ReliOn to clean the injection site], or i didn't stretch the skin at the injection site all the way i defiantly would of known if i nicked a vein[which i look for sighs of uneasyness lightheaded painfull coughs that feel like its burning] or nerve )

i'm at the point a bit too scared to take my back pain meds right now (Naproxyn) much less anything else till i get seen. it's 4:26 in the morning so i apologize for spelling errors, shit not making sense or being paranoid over something thats just tail end of Nothing. but its late im scared that im stuck w/ these shots for the rest of my life[which knowing my luck i Am.] and i get easily spooked when it comes to my health.
What is your TRT protocol? How often do you pin and how much in other words? Give us the protocol details.

TRT doesn't cause a cold or cough. They are not related. Sometimes people just catch a cold...

As for your noobs pain, what did your Estradiol (E2) come in at when you did your last round of blood work after starting TRT? Your E2 may be high if you are aromatizing a lot. Can you please post all of your most recent blood work results? That will help us see what is going on.

There are no adverse reactions between testosterone and naproxin that I am aware of. You can use an online drug interaction checker or ask your pharmacist.

Everyone gets a bad pin once in a while that causes PIP. Shake it off and you will be fine. Just don't pin that spot again until it feels better. Make sure you have enough injection sites to get a good rotation going. Personally, I like to use my quads, delts and ventroglutes. That gives me 6 injection sitesnto rotate.