Would 100mg prop and 75mg Tren ace hold?

Papa Lazarou

New member
I'm considering making a 100mg prop/75mg tren ace mix.

I have cottenseed oil, BA and BB. I'm looking if possible to make it 1ml per 100mg prop/75mg tren ace. Will this hold? If so, what mix should I use?

I have 3g of tren ace and tonnes of prop.

I assume its gonna be in the region of 24.75ml of oil, 3g of tren, 4g of prop and 2ml BA and 8ml BB to make up the rest?

Can someone confirm that a)this will hold and b)the amounts needed of each?


Ps - if not i'll make a standard 100mg prop and 75mg tren...
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If you want a concentration of 175mg of short acting steroid to hold, you're gonna need a higher BB ratio to oil than what you have if it holds.

Never made it that high and I doubt it will hold, even if you used 100% EO as a carrier. Let's see what others have to say.
made both 200mg/ml prop and tren....don't see any reason you couldn't do 100mg of each per ml. 2/20 ba/bb and the rest EO.
So essentially if i'm using cottenseed oil (thats all I have and no EO - hard to get in the UK) then I guess its just gonna be 100mg/ml, correct?
yeh....i don't know for sure but with oil only i think you can only get 125mg/ml for prop or tren ace before the crashing occurs.
That's going to be tough without EO and/or guaiacol. Why not just make 100mg and 75mg separate?
I'm gonna - just wanted to make a mix meaning less jabs. I'll just make straight forward tren and prop seperately then I guess :)
Made the tren last nite - perfect - nice apple juice colour. Has cooled and still in solution - has not crashed - deep joy :D