Would it be possible to get to ,and maintain a 0% subcutaneous fat level?


New member
As long as your visceral ,and intramuscular fat levels were high enough to keep your bodyfat percentage at a healthy 6-8% ,would it be possible to get your subcutaneous fat level down to 0% with ergogenics like DNP ,HGH ,IGF-1 ,Pgf2 ,ect...?

And as long as your visceral ,and intramuscular fat levels were at a level to keep yourself healthy ,would you be able to maintain a 0% subcutaneous fat level for a fair amount of time?

Ive read that once a bodybuilder gets down to a true 3% bodyfat level ,that the only fat he has left to burn is visceral fat. So if this statement is true ,it would seem that a 0% subcutaneous fat level could be able to be accomplished.

Any thoughts guys? Thanks in advance for any ideas you might have.

I'll say no, and if by some miracle you did it would be so unhealthy. That fat is there for organ protection and to provide insulation.
I thought that visceral fat was for organ protection.

I have heard of people with really low bodyfat percentages being cold all the time because of lack of insulation. Even when in hot wheather.

Ive also heard of people with extremely low bodyfat percentages bruising quite easily.

I dont want to. I just want to know if it could be done. Mainly because Im really curious to know what the pros subq levels are during a competition. Pros like Hamdullah Aykutlu who come in looking like they might have 0% subq fat.

No this is not possible, As fat levels drop to Insane levels your body goes into a type of catobolic-metabolic shock. The results would be disasterous to your physic as your body goies into a type of reduced metabolic frenzy. I dont recall the name of the actual condition....not uncommon to see it happen in my sport 1 or 2 times a year.

But what happens is you body sends an emergency signal to the brain that crashes your metabolism and increases production of catobolic hormones and enzymes and sinals the body to convert the newly aquired nutirents into fat stores.

All these changes in the endocrine system sends the body into shock and is often accompanied with a reduced immune system, lethargy, sharp weight loss, and then gain. and sometimes in sever cases coma and even death. Crazy stuff.....Ive never even attempted lower than 2.5%
No this is not possible, As fat levels drop to Insane levels your body goes into a type of catobolic-metabolic shock. The results would be disasterous to your physic as your body goies into a type of reduced metabolic frenzy. I dont recall the name of the actual condition....not uncommon to see it happen in my sport 1 or 2 times a year.

But what happens is you body sends an emergency signal to the brain that crashes your metabolism and increases production of catobolic hormones and enzymes and sinals the body to convert the newly aquired nutirents into fat stores.

All these changes in the endocrine system sends the body into shock and is often accompanied with a reduced immune system, lethargy, sharp weight loss, and then gain. and sometimes in sever cases coma and even death. Crazy stuff.....Ive never even attempted lower than 2.5%

This would all happen even if your bodyfat percentage was kept at a healthy but low 6-8% (visceral and intramuscular)?

Just an interesting side note, asians are known for high visceral fat levels.

There is also a condition where there are fatty stores around the liver, causing problems apperantly, my girlfriends mom died recently of liver/kidney issues and it was discovered she had high amounts of fat around the liver.
I think some of the posters are missing the total BF at 6-8% part of your question.... Some people have very low SC fat deposits, kinda the rock hard beer gut type of guy, they can't all be roid guts or tumors ;-) they must have high visceral or IM fat deposits, but low SC.

I don't think you could get to zero, but probably pretty close in most areas, don't think you want 0% on your face, and I think a striated leather ass looks kinda gross too, but that's just IMO;

would be interested in knowing about the bruising/chills/etc. sort of problems with very low SC deposits, a problem I'm not cursed with ...sigh...
From some pgf2a threads I've read, it seems to really do it (talking about injecting for killing fat, not for site enhacement) if you can tolerate the injection pain/sides and do enough of them.
I actually got down to a bf % of 4.7% almost 2 weeks before my last show.(calipers) By the day of the show I was about 4.0%. I took 20mg-Demadex (diuretic), and There was ONLY one other guy in the show that compared to the condition I presented. I won the HVYWT class(open). I hear people talk 3% and BULLSHIT like that!! I just figure that they are just ignorant or my bf percentages were lower than we thought!! I looked SICK!!!!(SHREDDED):cool:
I think some of the posters are missing the total BF at 6-8% part of your question....
I think your right.

Let me clarify a little for everyone that might have misunderstood my question.

Im not asking if its possible to get down to 0% overall bodyfat. I want to know if its possible to have 0% subcutaneous fat.

Heres the differences for the people that dont know.

Subcutaneous fat - This is that fat that lyes over the muscle ,underneath the skin. This is the fat the everyone is trying to get rid of when they are trying to look ripped. Its the fat that makes you look "fat".

Intramuscular fat - This fat lyes within the muscle. You can have a very low overall bodyfat percentage and look shredded ,but still have a good amount of intramuscular fat because this fat doesnt lye underneath the skin so it insnt visible from outside the body. (I hope that makes sense.)

Visceral fat - This fat is internal. It surrounds your internal organs ,mainly your intestines ,and acts as a cushion/protection
for the organs. A high amount of visceral fat can give your midsection the "bloated" look ,or the "GH gut" look because it can push your stomach out from within. It will not make you look "fat" ,but if you have a high percentage of it ,it can make your abs looking unappealing. Like the turtle shell look alot of todays pros have. (Which is mostly caused by insulin ,and GH abuse)

What I am wondering is ,by injecting substances such as helios ,Pgf2 ,and GH subQ (spot reducing) can a person achieve ,and maintain a healthy but low bodyfat percentage (consisting of intramuscular ,and visceral fat) of 6-8% ,but have a 0% subcutaneous fat level?

It may not look to aesthetic for everyday purposes ,but I am just curious if it would be possible to come into a contest with a 0% subcutaneous fat level. Your overall bodyfat percentage could be kept at a healthy level ,but since you wouldnt have any fat lyeing underneath the skin you would look apsolutely shredded.

Thanks again guys for all the replys.

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a NCAA Div 1-A RB arrived in training camps at 2.4% bodyfat some years ago, he was put on an heavy diet to get some fat on as the school docs were freaking out :D
just wonderin how to lose visceral fat? i've got stomach muscles but gut protrudes a little to much.
just wonderin how to lose visceral fat? i've got stomach muscles but gut protrudes a little to much.
Anavar is suppost to decrease visceral fat when used while cutting.

a NCAA Div 1-A RB arrived in training camps at 2.4% bodyfat some years ago, he was put on an heavy diet to get some fat on as the school docs were freaking out
Thats insane. That guy must have looked like he was cut with razor blades.

But in my scenerio the person would have a much healthier but still low overall bodyfat percentage of 6-8%. He would just have a 0% subcutaneous level. (Which if was possible probably wouldnt be able to be maintained for much longer than the day of a competition.)
