Would it be possible to get to ,and maintain a 0% subcutaneous fat level?

Anavar is suppost to decrease visceral fat when used while cutting.

Thats insane. That guy must have looked like he was cut with razor blades.

But in my scenerio the person would have a much healthier but still low overall bodyfat percentage of 6-8%. He would just have a 0% subcutaneous level. (Which if was possible probably wouldnt be able to be maintained for much longer than the day of a competition.)


The funny think about this is that 95% of the posters here never read the part where you said that u r not talking about overall 0% bodyfat but only 0% of Subcutaneous bodyfat but the visceral fat at 6-8%.....
and to answer it i dont know bro lol but i think that if you burn down to 0 % of SC fat it would be too hard to keep the visceral fat at 6-8% as it would be burned aswell so dont think it spossible :/
When people get below 3% BF the bodyfat near your heart will get used up and this is extremely dangerous and can be life threatening.

You cannot selectively burn visceral or subcutaneous fat.

way to go bros, it's very close to ten years in the ground. :confused: