Would taking HCG reduce a Pro BB chance of winning????


Not Novice, But Not Pro
I tried to help a friend who is a Professional BB who has won 1st or 2nd place at a couple IFBB competitions. I told him he should take care of his health and find out about his E2, HCT, etc. I also told him to get on HCG and he did, but it was just before a competition. He did not do nearly as well as he should have. Could my well meaning attempt to help him be healthy, mess him up for the competition in some way??
Bodybuilding is a VERY subjective sport. He could have done things the same way he had been, and still placed as he did, or even worse. It's all up to what the judges are looking for, and how he performed while up there.

I wouldn't beat yourself up over it, and I'm sure he asked his coach if HCG was okay anyway. Unless he's doing things on his own, which is impressive to achieve what he has.
Bodybuilding is a VERY subjective sport. He could have done things the same way he had been, and still placed as he did, or even worse. It's all up to what the judges are looking for, and how he performed while up there.

I wouldn't beat yourself up over it, and I'm sure he asked his coach if HCG was okay anyway. Unless he's doing things on his own, which is impressive to achieve what he has.

He does it without a coach and he is in absolutely amazing shape. You can't tell by looking at me, lol, but recently he became my trainer. Anyways, I just hope HCG didn't cause water retention, or some other thing. And for a guy that has accomplished so much, he has no idea at all, how steroids affect his body badly, how to mitigate the sides, how to look for side effects. Zilch. He's a super nice guy and I want to help him, basically keep from killing himself. I'll see him again in a few weeks and just wanted to know if the HCG messed him up or not. Without really knowing, I can't tell him in all honesty, to stay on HCG.
how would taking hcg help him be more 'healthy' ?

Tons of reasons
1. To produce Pregnenolone; hCG activates the p450 side chain cleavage (p450scc) enzyme which converts cholesterol to Pregnenolone
2. To produce the precursors for DHEA, Estrogen, Cortisol, Testosterone and DHT...back filling the pathways (See #1 above)
3. For proper and normal brain function
4. For proper functioning of the testicles
5. If men ever want to restart
6. If men ever want to have children
7. If men don't want balls that end up in a small mass of useless Collagen
8. The list goes on...

In short, hCG keeps the testicles functioning in a normal state and supports all three androgen pathways. It prevents pregnenolone deficiency and supporting all our other CHOL pathways and hormones as well.

There's lots more info out there. :-)

Here's a medical study from the NMJ (Chonnam Medical Journal), that touts all the advantages and even found those taking HCG had longer dicks. lol. I'm not kidding.

Maybe your hung like a horse, Roush.., but I'm doubling my HCG and hanging a small weight on my dick!!
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I agree the production of progesterone is nessacary for propper digestive health. HCG is a must on cycl and Trt.

I can't imagine a situation where it should not be taken for purposes of good health, if a person is taking test. A doctor should automatically prescribe HCG and AI when prescribing test. And if the doc was really good, he'd recommend zinck, D3, and DHEA as supplements.
Tons of reasons
1. To produce Pregnenolone; hCG activates the p450 side chain cleavage (p450scc) enzyme which converts cholesterol to Pregnenolone
2. To produce the precursors for DHEA, Estrogen, Cortisol, Testosterone and DHT...back filling the pathways (See #1 above)
3. For proper and normal brain function
4. For proper functioning of the testicles
5. If men ever want to restart
6. If men ever want to have children
7. If men don't want balls that end up in a small mass of useless Collagen
8. The list goes on...

In short, hCG keeps the testicles functioning in a normal state and supports all three androgen pathways. It prevents pregnenolone deficiency and supporting all our other CHOL pathways and hormones as well.

There's lots more info out there. :-)

Here's a medical study from the NMJ (Chonnam Medical Journal), that touts all the advantages and even found those taking HCG had longer dicks. lol. I'm not kidding.
Penile Growth in Response to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) Treatment in Patients with Idiopathic Hypogonadotrophic Hypogonadism

Maybe your hung like a horse, Roush.., but I'm doubling my HCG and hanging a small weight on my dick!!

lots of good info there !

i guess I just didn't put it in my mind that AAS use and it's ancillaries , pct compounds , etc. were really anything worth considering as 'healthy' in general,, though obviously they are 'beneficial' for the AAS user.
If a non steroid user took HCG would it make him more 'healthy' -- ? thats kind on what I meant by healthy.

PCT like clomid for example is obviously 'beneficial' for an AAS user , but is it really healthy ? prob not, its a cancer drug. HCG is obviously extremely 'beneficial' -- but, how do we know that long term continued use at high dosages couldn't cause cancer, or other problems? and therefore not be 'healthy' at all ?

lots of things have short term and medium term 'benefits' ,, does that mean it is ultimately 'healthy' , idk.

* note: I use HCG for TRT and during blasts .. I see it as a very beneficial compound especially to guys that run a cycle using it, and do PCT . but even in the face of all the 'benefits' ,, I'm still not sure its exactly 'healthy' . but maybe I'm just using the word 'healthy' differently then others
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lots of good info there !

i guess I just didn't put it in my mind that AAS use and it's ancillaries , pct compounds , etc. were really anything worth considering as 'healthy' in general,, though obviously they are 'beneficial' for the AAS user.
If a non steroid user took HCG would it make him more 'healthy' -- ? thats kind on what I meant by healthy.

PCT like clomid for example is obviously 'beneficial' for an AAS user , but is it really healthy ? prob not, its a cancer drug. HCG is obviously extremely 'beneficial' -- but, how do we know that long term continued use at high dosages couldn't cause cancer, or other problems? and therefore not be 'healthy' at all ?

lots of things have short term and medium term 'benefits' ,, does that mean it is ultimately 'healthy' , idk.

* note: I use HCG for TRT and during blasts .. I see it as a very beneficial compound especially to guys that run a cycle using it, and do PCT . but even in the face of all the 'benefits' ,, I'm still not sure its exactly 'healthy' . but maybe I'm just using the word 'healthy' differently then others

None of those are beneficial for healthy individuals, as the intention of SERMs and HCG are very limited in scope. HCG is suppressive in fact, so I definitely wouldn't recommend that to someone that doesn't need it.

These are mostly beneficial to us because we're not "healthy" in that our HPTA is compromised (even if temporarily), which necessitates a little help to keep operations running smoothly. There actually are quite a few long-term studies on SERMs and HCG, with the only risk found being an increased risk of uterine cancer. I suppose the better way to put it than using 'healthy' would be eugonadal - or having gonads in proper working order. :)

Hope that makes sense.
Hi Guys, I look at it this way. Simply put, anyone taking testosterone and other steroids without managing their HCT, E2, etc, etc, is bound to be unhealthy either now or in the future. I can't fix the world, but I'll put some effort into helping a friend
Hi Guys, I look at it this way. Simply put, anyone taking testosterone and other steroids without managing their HCT, E2, etc, etc, is bound to be unhealthy either now or in the future. I can't fix the world, but I'll put some effort into helping a friend

That's why I'm here. ;)