Would you guys wait or just run it?


New member
Hello so my current goal is to gain around 20 pounds of lm this offseason so far iv only ran 6 weeks of h drol a few months back anyway i ordered a 2 bottles of d-zine and was planning on running them this week well something happend to my order and now its going to take 2-3 weeks to recive my package -.- im already pre loaded and everything and was expecting to start my cycle today... but i have a bottle of s-drol; would you guys run s-drol 10/10/20/20 and hold the d-zine till january for my next cycle? or should i just wait for the d-zine waste my pre loaded cycle support and run s-drol in january?
i wana cycle so bad but idk if i should wait or what
Ahh get some test too and make it all one cycle. Start with the s drol and throw the d zine on the tail end. Keep the doses on the lower end and do bloodwork in the middle to see where your at.

Use n2gaurd while on the orals. Don't drink boz. Keep reading and you ll be fine

Don't get too caught up with weight. What if u gain 20lb but lose 7-8 of fat??? Net change won't be much but in the mirror will be night and day.
Ahh get some test too and make it all one cycle. Start with the s drol and throw the d zine on the tail end. Keep the doses on the lower end and do bloodwork in the middle to see where your at.

Use n2gaurd while on the orals. Don't drink boz. Keep reading and you ll be fine

Don't get too caught up with weight. What if u gain 20lb but lose 7-8 of fat??? Net change won't be much but in the mirror will be night and day.

Highly agree with gymrat, N2-Guard on cycle will not only help your liver but keep your overall health in order while even improving your results.

Also agree with the weight change, go by the mirror because with a cycle like that (and correct food intake/training/rest) you should look completely different.