WTF is going on with my Test Enan?


New member
I have converted this shit countless times and this time it WON't stay in solution. It keeps going fuckin cloudy, how the hell does that happen with enanthate? I made it at 500mg/ml with 3%ba for the hell of it. Used walnut oil like I always do. Only thing I can think is that my guy sent me more then I ordewred, because I didn't weigh it. Maybe it is higher then 500mg/ml, but still......why once it is clear does it keep goin milky once it cools down? Wierd. This ever happen to anyone else?

Made my first batch of tren enanthate last night......that shit is fuckin dark. Looks like a couple of vial of Jack Daniels.
Well what temp are you storing it at? I dont really know the answer to this one, considering its usually soluble in oil alone and will stay clear at 500 no problem. Maybe its the batch of hormone, impurities etc. Just heat and shoot. Shit my tren acetate is cloudy as hell and I just shoot it as is.

As for the tren enanthate, thats common.
Ya....I knew the tren was good. I don't need BB, I've made 500mg/ml enan for years now, sometimes with no solvents at all. ever have a problem shooting it cloudy? Looks like it could be moisture, but I don't know. It looks like mixin oil and a shot with hcg....I dunno.
Deadlift said:
Ya....I knew the tren was good. I don't need BB, I've made 500mg/ml enan for years now, sometimes with no solvents at all. ever have a problem shooting it cloudy? Looks like it could be moisture, but I don't know. It looks like mixin oil and a shot with hcg....I dunno.

I would assume its moisture. I have had this happen with Enan and EQ, both oil soluble, and I just heat and shoot and all is well. If you feel better, just re-filter it. Prolly won't help much, but may take the impurities guess out of the equation.
Just did a shot and mixed it with a cc of tren and a cc of eq and when they went together in the syringe it went clear again. Whatever........still beats UG IMO.
heat it just a bit and it will clear up. nothing wrong with it.

could be the oil. some oils tend to cloud up quicker. if its cloudy in the bottle that may be the culprit.

and whoever said you need bb with high concentration T enan is mistaken. i have made it 500mg/ml numerous times with 0 solvent and it did fine.
You really need to weigh you gear BEFORE mixing or shooting that shit. You have no idea what mg/ml solution you have or are shooting. How do you plan to monitor yourself or your doses if you don't know what's up. I'm not coming down on anyone either, I just want bros to be safe.

Best wishes....JC
I know it aint the best thing to do, but I do recognize the size of the powder......I've been HB'ing for a good few years now....and I don't come off. Also, my guy is top notch.....I usually weigh his stuff and it has always been dead on. My scale was busted and didn't feel like grabbing a new one. the fact that it turned out to be the right total volume for the batch it would have to be the right amount since it would have displaced more or less if it weighed more or less.