WTF Should I do?!!


Fighting Irish

Hey all,

Bit of a dilemma. Ive been training loads since getting back into the gym approx 6 months ago, and really committed myself to a weights program (which I have never done before, nor have I ever stuck to exercise this long either, I used to get bored and give up) which I am delighted to say has started to pay off.

BUT.... I started to get pain in my left foot and I ignored it for a while but when it showed no sign of easing ( & I started to get pain in my left knee too ) I figured I better get it seen to. The physio said to me that he recommended I STOP training completely, that I have to go back to basics.. core strength exercises or something to strengthen my eh core (haha) and then in turn that will help my weight distribution on my feet and everything will come right after that. Also he recommended I get orthotics as I supposedly dont stand right, and due to that when I squat im tearing ligaments in the arches of my feet??!

I am totally gutted. I dont know what to do, this is the first time Ive seen results through hard fricken work and now if I take his advise it will all just waste away :(

So not happy. Anyone else had a similar issue?:sad:
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I think its squats thats causing the problem. I squat 25kg , 12 reps x 4 sets 4-5 times a week. Dead lift 35 Kg same reps as above.

Rest of program wouldnt really affect my feet/knees as its upper body.

Im seriously beginner at all this so sorry if im coming across as completely thick!!
Hmmmm.... you could modify squats at home. Place folded towel under feet, put your back/butt against the wall, squat and hold squat for 20 seconds. Do 3 sets of 10. Try barefooted and see if that helps no pain in feet.

Dead lifts... you can bent rows or reverse cable flys for u. back and reverse sit ups for l. back.

Y squats 4-5x a week?

The gym Im in gave me a program, just the one not a split one. I try do it every time im in there, which means I end up doing the same program 4-5 times a week including the squats. I feel like Ive not done a proper workout if I dont complete the program but I think Im probably not getting the best out of it cuz Im doing it so often.

Program is dead lifts, squats, dumb bell chest press, tricep dips , that assisted chin up machine thingy, walking lunges and back extension. All 4 x 12 reps. Duno if this is a crap program or not ? Also is a few mins of core work.... plank etc
The gym Im in gave me a program, just the one not a split one. I try do it every time im in there, which means I end up doing the same program 4-5 times a week including the squats. I feel like Ive not done a proper workout if I dont complete the program but I think Im probably not getting the best out of it cuz Im doing it so often.

Program is dead lifts, squats, dumb bell chest press, tricep dips , that assisted chin up machine thingy, walking lunges and back extension. All 4 x 12 reps. Duno if this is a crap program or not ? Also is a few mins of core work.... plank etc

very bogus workout, circuit training with not even enough circuits. what are your goals?
very bogus workout, circuit training with not even enough circuits. what are your goals?

LOL! Any weight training is good weight training. A split program is gonna give the best results. Squats 4-5x a week probably caused the injury to your foot. Are you comfortable working out by yourself with free weights/dumbells?

yeah at this point i will do anything to keep me into it cuz if i have to stop il lose all motivation!!!

and frazier512 .. hi.... TBH I started mainly wanting to lose weight cuz I had put on a bit . Not too fussed with the weight now just really want to tone up. Im about 5' 2 , 128 lbs (defo have more to lose but as said im more focused on how i look rather than what I weigh). I would think im about 25 % BF ..... even saying that grosses me out!!!!
Hey all,

Bit of a dilemma. Ive been training loads since getting back into the gym approx 6 months ago, and really committed myself to a weights program (which I have never done before, nor have I ever stuck to exercise this long either, I used to get bored and give up) which I am delighted to say has started to pay off.

BUT.... I started to get pain in my left foot and I ignored it for a while but when it showed no sign of easing ( & I started to get pain in my left knee too ) I figured I better get it seen to. The physio said to me that he recommended I STOP training completely, that I have to go back to basics.. core strength exercises or something to strengthen my eh core (haha) and then in turn that will help my weight distribution on my feet and everything will come right after that. Also he recommended I get orthotics as I supposedly dont stand right, and due to that when I squat im tearing ligaments in the arches of my feet??!

I am totally gutted. I dont know what to do, this is the first time Ive seen results through hard fricken work and now if I take his advise it will all just waste away :(

So not happy. Anyone else had a similar issue?:sad:

I've had to stop training all together due to two herniated disks in my lower back, happened a few months ago.

I was always blessed with excellent health,
When this happened I was in such severe pain, couldn't move, spent 80 % of the day in bed..
I felt hopeless, frustrated and not like myself at all..
On the other hand the experience was an eye opener for sure, put everything in perspective for me, so many things we take for granted daily, being able to move & do the simplest things.
It really made me appreciate the little things much more..

I was out of the gym for a few weeks, healed & went back to work, my routine had to be modified, specially squats ! it was erased from my routine for quite some time.

Now, I'm lucky to be feeling great and back in the gym 100 %..

What I mean by this is, yes, you want to continue your routine, specially if your seeing results, but most importantly, you need to listen to your body & follow doctors orders..

It's great you have stuck to this routine for 6 months, this shows you are determined, and that's not something you loose for taking some time to heal.
rest, heal, and when better get back to doing your full routine.
(btw, why are u doing squats 4-5 X a week, squats are a compound exercise, u need to allow your CNS to recover)

During this time focus on training you upper body & keeping a clean diet. It's really 80 % diet anyways.

Don't worry take some time off & heal, hope u feel better soon ! :)
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I've had to stop training all together due to two herniated disks in my lower back, happened a few months ago.

I was always blessed with excellent health,
I was in such severe pain that I couldn't move, spent 80 % of the day in bed..
I felt hopeless, frustrated and not like myself at all..
On the other hand the experience was an eye opener for sure, put everything in perspective for me, so many things we take for granted daily, being able to move & do the simplest of things.
It really made me appreciate the little things much more..

I was out of the gym for a few weeks, healed & went back to work, my routine had to be modified, specially squats ! it was erased from the routine for quite some time.

Now I'm lucky to be feeling great and back in the gym 100 %..

What I mean by this is, yes, you want to continue your routine, specially if your seeing results, but most importantly, you need to listen to your body & follow doctors orders..

It's great you have stuck to this routine for 6 months that shows you are determined, and that's not something you loose for taking some time to heal.
rest, heal, and when better get back to doing your full routine.
(btw, why are u doing squats 4-5 X a week, squats are a compound exercise, u need to allow your CNS to recover)

During this time focus on training you upper body & keeping a clean diet. It's really 80 % diet anyways.

Don't worry take some time off, hope u feel better soon ! :)

Hi Mrs P,

Thanks for your input, it gives me some reassurance hearing you were in a similar situation, though yours was much worse from what you said. Its great to hear your back exercising again now. I definitely think excluding squats might be an idea for a while, with a view to introducing a modified one in time. Matt suggested this is a previous post, and the physio said that raising my heel would reduce the pressure on my arches so I think Ill have to ask him about this again.

Yeah, Matt also asked that about the 4-5 times a week squatting. As I said to him I guess that as my program is so short I felt if I didnt do everything on it everyday I wasnt doing a proper workout. Im going to go back to the gym and ask for a split program I think that would make more sense!
Lets set you up with a split routine with 3-4 exercises with 4 sets each. No squats. You can try modified squats I mentioned if you hardcore gangsta. What do you think?

ok cool sounds good to me!



Sound good so far?

ok yeah cool, makes far more sense than my other yoke which is a half arsed attempt at doing everything at once!
Machine press
Dumbell incline press
Cable cross-overs

Reverse Cable Curl
Rope Pull-Downs
Overhead Tricep Extension

2 sets dips

im gona hav to print this off.... and possibly google some of them to make sure im doing them right!!!!!
Not a problem I can help you with this.

What I want you to do the first week is, do 2 warm up sets with a lighter weight. Then find the heaviest weight you can do 4 repetitions. Make note of 4 rep weight for each exercise. Okay?

yep ok sounds I think I can manage that :)

btw thanks a million for your help, its much appreciated