Xanax or Diazepam whilst on AAS

I've been on Xanex for about 8 years now. It's the only thing that helps with my anxiety and insomnia. I had these issues since I was a child. Use not abuse! My anxiety gets a little worse when on juice same with the sleeplessness. I've done most types of roids and take about 1mg/day. Just make sure like everyone is saying and don't abuse them they work for what they are intended for but will cause you to be sleepy and if abused cause lack of drive (not wanting to workout). Start out with a very low dose and see how you react.
I never said they were for pain?? The only thing I said besides anxiety was that valium is a muscle relaxant - which it is. I KNOW its not a pain killer. Sorry - maybe a misunderstanding.

My bad then...Sorry... Next time I'll try reading with my eyes open cuzz they must have been closed for me to read that and missunderstand the way I did...
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My advice would be to start with the Valium and if that does the trick don't fuck with the Xanax. That shit is EXTREMELY addictive and EXTREMELY hard to get off of.

I second that. To addictive IMO. Tried it once, ended up throwing it aways I would definitely get hooked on it. To be avoided.