Yet another amazing before and after by 3Js Nutrition Network


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I feel bad for the people who wake up and go to a job that they do not find rewarding... My job is the most rewarding thing in my life next to my family..

here is another massive before and after of client who didn't like what he saw in the mirror and decided to make that all important life changing decision!!!

He is a true testament to what dedication and hard work is.. because he isn't trying to be a pro bodybuilder, he isn't an athlete, he was just another average joe trying to better himself through nutrition and exercise to get healthy

He has come a long long way.. and we are no where close to done yet!! WE ARE ONLY HALF WAY DOWN THE ROAD.. this isn't the final product..

Have a goal, come up with a plan, and follow through..

As always, the credit goes to the client who put in the hard work.. all i did was show the path.. that's what my company, 3Js Nutrition Network, does for you.. you hand over making the plan in my experienced hands.. so long as you put in the work, the results come..

very proud of you brother, chime in if you'd like

here are some more very recent monster before and afters by 3Js Nutrition Network!!

If interested in becoming a part of the 3Js Nutrition Network family, contact me at to become a client!!

Website in the link below!! You can find more before and afters there!!

3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.
I first off would like to thank 3J for everything so far, and as he said we are no way near done yet... Trust me I have had my down falls and get back up again. It is truly what you put into it, and diet is the main key.
I would highly recommend his program, even if you are not a bodybuilder or athlete. I am just a guy that wants to get in better shape, I just had a son a year ago and everything came into realization that I want to be there for him in the future.
The food choices are all foods you eat, its about portion, and mostly mindset.... You have to want to do this. If you do it WILL work. Workout wise I try to get to the gym 5 days a week and do 20-25 min of cardio each time. I know the results are not what you normally see here, I'm not in the single digits in bf, but I have come a long way and will continue to use 3J to guide me on the path to a better me.
Thank you again for everything.
Delta Zulu
changing lives for a living....3J nutrition.

Great work and dedication to DeltaZulu. You've made a great transformation.
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Look at the change in your stomach! Damn bro, you rocked it! I would be pretending my upper stomach itches a lot and then have to lift my shirt to scratch it - exposing that stomach. :) Don't smack yourself on the results - I think what you show is simply start as a normal person and, so far, are well into the "fit and healthy" stage.

As for your son - he will mimic you as he grows. Notice how so many very fat people have very fat kids? Yeah, with you getting your lifestyle fixed up in the right way, he will have no choice but to learn it and mimic it. This will give him a great base to start from in life and make his entire life better. As you said, you are doing this to be there for him - but you are also his role model and that is more important since it will shape him for the decades after you are gone.

Keep it up! I love seeing things like this.
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I first off would like to thank 3J for everything so far, and as he said we are no way near done yet... Trust me I have had my down falls and get back up again. It is truly what you put into it, and diet is the main key.
I would highly recommend his program, even if you are not a bodybuilder or athlete. I am just a guy that wants to get in better shape, I just had a son a year ago and everything came into realization that I want to be there for him in the future.
The food choices are all foods you eat, its about portion, and mostly mindset.... You have to want to do this. If you do it WILL work. Workout wise I try to get to the gym 5 days a week and do 20-25 min of cardio each time. I know the results are not what you normally see here, I'm not in the single digits in bf, but I have come a long way and will continue to use 3J to guide me on the path to a better me.
Thank you again for everything.
Delta Zulu

im more impressed with your before and after just because i know how busy and hectic your life can be.. you take every opportunity to optimize your diet in bad situations.. anyone else would have given up!!!

again, very very proud to be your coach and have you as a client
Thanks brother, the goal is to hit it a little harder this run and hopefully make some more gains on top of what we already have... Again, I cannot thank you enough for everything!

Delta Zulu
Thanks brother, the goal is to hit it a little harder this run and hopefully make some more gains on top of what we already have... Again, I cannot thank you enough for everything!

Delta Zulu

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it's the courage to continue that counts. 'Winston Churchill'

Brother just keep on keeping on. Great job, keep it up
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it's the courage to continue that counts. 'Winston Churchill'

Brother just keep on keeping on. Great job, keep it up

you two are actually very similar in your success in terms of dealing with life..

very proud of both of you.. and honored to be both your coaches!
Awesome job bro. You look great! That final product is gonna be nuts. Keep up the hard work and dedication.
Awesome job bro. You look great! That final product is gonna be nuts. Keep up the hard work and dedication.

haha. i got all my recent clients with before and afters in one thread talking!!!

the amount of will power in this thread is overwhelming..

am i getting a hot flash?? :D
I am very pleased with the results so far, I cannot wait to see where I will end up! The transformation so far is unbelievable. So hard to realize the transformation that can take place if you put your mind to it. Thanks again 3J!

Delta Zulu
I am very pleased with the results so far, I cannot wait to see where I will end up! The transformation so far is unbelievable. So hard to realize the transformation that can take place if you put your mind to it. Thanks again 3J!

Delta Zulu

it takes a certain mental fortitude.. thats for sure..

i dont take on clients that half ass their program... usually the price working with me gives clients motivation to do it right.. or they are just wasting money.. again a program is only as good as the person who follows it
it takes a certain mental fortitude.. thats for sure..

i dont take on clients that half ass their program... usually the price working with me gives clients motivation to do it right.. or they are just wasting money.. again a program is only as good as the person who follows it

I was thinking of trying your program "3J" as working out isn't the problem for me but the diet is. I will try to private message you or do I have to wait to get 50 posts on this site? I am going to head to the gym right after me writing this and do my HIIT routine. I have done AAS and looking to go back on AAS in Feb 2015. I wrote a couple of posts already which you can look and see. Right now I am fighting a huge Acne problem, trying to get leaner by Feb 2015 and hit a Tren Cycle but I was wondering more about, "Carb Cycling" which I read what you wrote. I am wondering if I am going to have to put my body in a keto process before I go into a low carb or no carb cycling diet to notice results. But I really want to make a change and totally kill it this year with proper coach "Mentor" and proper dieting. Thanks B/P
I was thinking of trying your program "3J" as working out isn't the problem for me but the diet is. I will try to private message you or do I have to wait to get 50 posts on this site? I am going to head to the gym right after me writing this and do my HIIT routine. I have done AAS and looking to go back on AAS in Feb 2015. I wrote a couple of posts already which you can look and see. Right now I am fighting a huge Acne problem, trying to get leaner by Feb 2015 and hit a Tren Cycle but I was wondering more about, "Carb Cycling" which I read what you wrote. I am wondering if I am going to have to put my body in a keto process before I go into a low carb or no carb cycling diet to notice results. But I really want to make a change and totally kill it this year with proper coach "Mentor" and proper dieting. Thanks B/P

Hey brother just email me at and let's talk about what your needs are!
3J is your man when it comes to this and figuring everything out for you. Trust in him and you will not go wrong.

Delta Zulu