YIKES! price for syno conv kits...


New member
whoa....how the heck do i know that dazed's 5c conversion kit is good for the price? how much test prop would i get out of this? how much would i get out of a 10c kit? (meaning how much per ml would i end up with and how many ml would i end up with...)

I looked at it...it seems that i would get 100ml of test prop for 60 bucks....seems reasonable...lemme know what ur feedbacks are on this kit....

its a REAL nice kit... deff worth the money, ive been shooting that shit for the last week and it is abosolutly painless :D
i think your better off getting 2 5c kits... the 5c gives u roughly 100 ml. this way if you mess something up u wont lose everything.
why are you guys talking in terms of cc's??
once you filter out the prop cystals you can make as many cc's as you want provided you don't go over 200mg/ml.....
d's kits work very well, be sure to add water SLOWLY.
let sit over night and bam! big fat crystals all over the jar.
great yields if you do it right.
ephedra said:
why are you guys talking in terms of cc's??
once you filter out the prop cystals you can make as many cc's as you want provided you don't go over 200mg/ml.....
d's kits work very well, be sure to add water SLOWLY.
let sit over night and bam! big fat crystals all over the jar.
great yields if you do it right.

i got roughly 100ml from the 5c kit @100mg/ml
lol I had been wondering the same thing. it wouldn't matter if you got 1000cc/ml it's the amount of test that matters.
what good is it if ya got 1000cc/ml if it's only 15mg/ml

just a little note when converting syno. if you use a 5 cart kit and as you say you got 100ml @ 100mg/ml then you were able to pull every mg of test out of the solution which by itself is impossible!!!
you prob pulled more like 9000mg of test maybe a little more.